Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Wit ofS. Paul to Thus. CHAP.3.7. without procurement, &what anabfurd thing were it for a child to go 675 to his Fatherto offer to buy his inheritance ? it is faid here further that we are made heyres, that is, adopted, not borne to the inheritance, and therefore it is fo much the more free., And lafily,ir is here called aneter- nal1 inheritance, which if it be fo, howcan it be merited, beeing fo farce difproportionable to any thing we can do. What place in the Scripture ' can more effe&ually exclude the merit oflife ? and yet what part of A poftelicall writing is it not molt confonant vnto? The Apoftle Peter (peakingofthis inheritance, calleth it thegraceof life, t .Pet, r. 3.7. The Apoftle Paul through the whole Epiftle to the Galatians oppofeth thefe two, to be heires by the law, and heyres by promife, and faith whofoe- uer areChrift s, are eilórahams children and heyres b)promife : that is, we Gat.r.to. who are Gentiles muff receiue the inheritancenoothetwife then Abra- ham did, and thus become Abrahams formes, but he was heire by pro- mife and not by merit, and fo mull we. Obiefb. But wee are Gentiles, how can we become Abrahams Tonnes? e4nfw,Chriff was Abrahams fonne, and we beeing in Chriftl are onewith him, and fo in him become Abrahams fonnes, and therefore mull inherit by promife as he did. The like we read. Rom.4.4. Thofe that willbee heyre by thelave, wake the pro- wefeof none effeft: as thePapills doe by their two iuflifications, the for- mer ofmercy by grace, the latter by merit ofworkes, Obiefl. But life e- vow, deu:ins ternall is a reward, greatit your reward ivheauen. Behold, I come fhort- eo""0%1Onem vt ad bona ope- ly , and my reward io with mee. (Morel looked for the recompence of ra tequaturbe. atituo, non reward. eAnfw. Not to Rand vpon that why it is fo called , namely, men d vcc@edus by refemblance, beeing giucn in the endeof the life and labour , as the caufa,, fa reward in the end ofthe worke : lc may truely be called a reward ; but sú;,c, ,iú r.a free one in regard ofvs, due no other way veto vs then by vertue of cx des oonrit. Gods promife, for God is no debter further then he promifech, a. Ne- ¿so;ri; hiarc.in uer due to any worke for the merit of it,but vnto the worker for the me- rit of Chrift inwhom he is, and throughwhome the imperfe&ion°f ins obedience being couered,his perfon firtl,and then his worke findeth ac- ceptance. 2. It teacheth vs if we would haue right to eternal' life, to become Whofoeuer the fonnesofGod, and confequently hcyres : recite to be refolued that grio fee. thou hall a Childs part in heauen, Quell. How (hall I come roknow this ? mutt beeomca e/lnfw. A man mayknow himfeltè an heue of graceb-y two things. i. It°""c by the prefence of faith , for this intitleth into theCouenant , Hebr. E my. Xoah.by faithwar made heyre of the r:gbreaufneffe which it 6y faith. Faith in the Sonne of God is it which maketb thee the Kings fount., and free borne:this is the meanesof thy freedome,here cornmeth in thy title, ifthou reliefl onlyvpon the mercie of God in Chri(i for thy falnation: Vu t which