Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

C.3.7. v1Commentarie uponthe 676 y Filiusanteaia patrios inquirir annos. Set thine heat[ vpon this put- chafe. affeets. g 2 tlebda,,, which proper worke of faith cafleth out the bondwoman with all her formes, who shall not be heyres with the fonnes of the freewoman : for whofoeuer will be iuflified in whole or in part by the works of the law, as Turkes, Iewes;and that Romifh Agar with all her obflinate children, are by this one do6Irine, if there were no more in the Scripture difin- herired. z. By the prefenceof fanRificacionof heart, aridfan6usrnonie of life: for as onely iuflified perlons, are intitled and written heires of heauen; foonely fanClifiedperlons are ivaified. Hence is it that we read this inheritance to be entailedto them, A&. 20. / 2. Inheritance among them that arefantlifred: by whichnote mocking Ifmael is cafi out, dole hypocrites lurking in the boforneof the Church, andopen profane E- faus : the childrens bread is not call to fuch dogges. Read for this j. Cor.6.t 0.1 r. ;. This doctrine teacheth vs to let our hearts vpon this inheritance : aman that hath any pofi:ibilitie tobefall him cannot keepe his mind, but it will be running after it, infomuch as many wicked children in regard of their patrimonie, will enquire into their fathers years, and grow lick oftheir mothers : and it is ordinarie that fuch as Tooke for windfals by deceafe,wil be feedingtheir hearts with their hopes;fo fhould it be with vs , who maywithout injury to our Father, long after our inheritance in heauen : and as we fee men take no content in any part of the earth, no nor in the whole,comparable to that peece or portion which is their owne : turn fo fhould not we fuller our hearts fo to wander after earth or earthly things,as that we fettle our contentmct any where but where our inheritance,& our treafure is.The which defireif it filledour hearts, three worthy fruits ofit would manifel} themfelues through 'our lines. t. It would moderate the mar cares ofthis life , and would not fuffer men tobecome drudges, or fell themfelues as flauesvnto the earth : for he that takethhimfelfe tobe anheire of heauen , is well enoughproui- ded and cared foralreadie: his father bath left him fo well ashe neednot bafely fhift for himfelfe. 2. It would content the minde with any pre_ lent condition.This it was whichcontented Abraham,Ifaac,and Iacob, with their continual! pilgrimage vpon earth , becaufe they lookedfor a bettercitie:when asonce this tooke vp their hearts, theycould cheerful- ly fit themfelues downe in their tents, they could dwell in flung coun- tries contentedly,they could receive the promifes a farceoff thankfully, they could got on in obedience toGod, what way foeuer he called rea- dily; and in all this they didnotfor the prefent defilea better outward condition,but thought that the bell portion which their heauenly Fa- ther allotted out vnto them. So we fee how men expec}ing reuerfions, arecontent forthe timeto line bare,and goe acere the wind , and fwal- low: