Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpaflleofS. Paidtoritats. Cíni,.3,7. lowvp their prefent wants in hopeofthat towhich theyare heires: they 67 7 thinke the time of their further enlargement is not farre off,and this he1- pethwell toput off the prefent. ;. It would firengthen the heart in in- 3 during chaflifementsandcorreétionsvnder Godshand, or front mans; for they know theyare heires indeede, but asyet in their minoricie, and for the time mutt be put vnder Tutors, and theroddeaswell as others: but the time commeth,which will bring their lands into their own hand, and then they (hall be at their owne hand, and haue libertie enough, and herewith may the childrenofGod raife their hearts fromunder the hea- uieft affliétions. 4. Set thy Idle well to keepe this inheritance , and the deeds of it, _tpe WtU the lay vp thecouenant fafe in the-clelec ofthe foule; hide the word which decdsofit. is the indenture ofGod palling it vnto thee, in themid(t of thy heart, let not Satan norany cheater defraud thee ofit. There are manyvnthrif- tieprodigalls in the world, who no fooner can their lands or portion comewithin their hands,but byriotous andvnthrifty eeurfes they loon become their owne executors : but let it be written to euery child of God. Art thou borneby thy fecond birth to fuch faire demeanes ? art thou heire to fuch agoodly birch-right ? ohprize it Aline all chat can be giuenineschatFge for it: Bewareof profane Efaus fpeach, What is this birth-right tome? No, rathertakevp Naboths anfwer to King A- hab, who would haue gone beyond him for his pacrimonie ; Gad forbid that Ifhoaldfell the inheritance ofmy Fathers. God forbid that I fhould for this or that finnefull plea Cure, this or that melle of pottage, or trifling commoditie;or whatfoeuer coins hauingSatans fuperfcriprion upon it, fell mine inheritance. 5. Thisdoétrine affoardeth fundry grounds ofmofi fweet confolati- comfortto on. a. Themanta beleeuer is a great heire, and that to all Gods heft ñ .b"t'r` bleliiags:a truth which fewe fec as they might and ought, and therefore faileofthat comfort which God hath put into their hands. Obiert. A- las,will a poordefpifed foule fay,I am le(he then the leadmercie ofGod, and amnot worthy to gather the ermines ofmercy vnder the Lords ta- ble. eí nfm. Exercife thy felce in theduties of faith, repentance, invo- cation, loue ofGod and men; and thou (halt notwant a worthineffe to bring the inheritance homeveto thee: for neither cloth the Lord imme diately giueit thee, nor cant+ thou immediately receiue it; but by Chrifl theMediacour, whobath worthineffe enough, at his hand thouhail it. Obic5i. But I ama weake creature,and vnable to receiue it at his hand. Anfw. Yea,but goon fineerely in a good courbe, letit be neuer fo weak- ly or faintly, bee will not breake a bruifed reede : comfort thy (elfe, for be it thou canfi not as thou would(I know and apprehend him,yet he Vu z can