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CxAr.3.7. 678 2 3 4 s AConimentarie Van the canknowe and apprehend thee, and this will be thy,faluation. z. Gods children beeing fuch heirés, they cannot but in the meane rime be well prouided for till their patrimonie fal.We know,that great heiresin their minoritieare well andhoneflly maintained; their fathers being rich and kinde, will not Puffer them to want things fit for them ; andwhat they want in the puric, they haue in their education : and if they be any way fcanced for the prefent,they Thal afterward find it withmuch aduautage. 3. In any want thou being thy Fathers heire, main boldly repaire to thy Father, with good hope to fpeede in any revert which he Teeth' fit for thee, andmaking for thy good;and he will be fo farre from fending thee away empty, that it will be his ioy that thou canfl difcerne andmake re quell for things good for thee:this wil be a preuailingmotiue with him, Oh this is mine heire,I may not denie him that which is fo good for him. g. Whatfoeuer lofie may befall thee,beeing the child ofGod thou loo- fefl not thine inheritance. Thou maill loofe thy liberty, thy lining, thy friends, thy life; but thine inheritances is refereed in the heauens: thou [halt ceafe fowler tobe aman, then an heire : yea when other by death loofe all, thou (halt by it be entred into thy full eflate.This expeólation of a durable fulaliiancecaufed the Saints to endure with ioy the fpoyling oftheir goods,Heb.ao.3q.. T. In the enduring of aflli&ions comfort thy (elfe herein; thy Fathermay frowue, chide, buffet,and fcourge thee, but he will neuerdifinherit thee. Other fathers fometimes out of their ownedifpleafure, and fometimes out oftheir formes mifdemeanours do difinherit their heires, but the Lord cannot grow into fuch difpleafure with his children, as euer to call them out, whome in his Chril be bath once admitted intohis houle. Ifhis tonnes finne again£} him,he will vi- fit their finnes,and fcourge themwith the rodds of men, but his ntercie and truthwill he neue: take from them. Now ofthe tenure by which we hold life eternall, namely of hope, I haue fpoken twifebefore in this Epifile at large, chap. i. 2. & z. t ;. to which theReader may lookbacke : only in aword note,thac it is a mark ofa manPet into thisnew condition,tohope and wait for the blefl'ed in- heritance in heauen : 2. Cor. ç. 2. we rgb, defirngto6esclotbedwith our horefefrom ;motion : a.Tim. 4.8. the defcription ofthe godly , to be thofe :hot low theappearing ofChrift. And ifall creatures groane with vs for the time of theirdeliuerance, how ought we much more for whome fuch things are prepared. Hence it followeth, E. that it will not (land witha concerted heart to linger after the thingsofthis life, or tomake his flea- uenvpon earth, or tohaue equal} affeelion to earth as heauen. a. nor to negled the meaneswhereby this hope is confirmed: whether outward offring, as the Gofpel, miniflerie,. word, Sacraments; or inward recei- uing,.