Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EptfUeofS. PaulteTian. Ghofl could not but forefee, what labours and trauails Satan and his in- 68i flruments would take to weaken and impaire the credit and authoritie of this aboue all otherbooks,wherin he preuailed fo farre,as euenTome true Churches called the truth and authoritieof it into cjueffion : and therefore it is worth the marking with what a number of confirmations this booke aboueall other in the Scriptures is backed,Firfi,the author of it is fet in the forefront or faceof it, The Reuelatian of lefus Chrift who Reu.r.r.u. profeffethhimfelfe to be a, ando,, thefirffand the laff,thebeginningand on. ding, which is, which was, and whic<, is tocome, euen the Almightie: fo in the Feuerall Epifiles ro the Churches, in feuerall flyleshe challengeth them to be his ; Thusfaith he, t, that holdeth the feauen (lames in his righthand, x. he that is the firfl and tali, which was dead and is aline.;, which bath the fharpe two edged (word. 4. which bath eie4like a flame of fire, and his feere like fine braffe. S. which bath the feauen fpirits of God, and the feauen flarres.6. he who is holy and true, who bath the key of Dauid,whoopeneth and no man (hutteth, mad (hutteth and no man openeth. 7. he wiio is Amen, the faithful] and true veitneffe, the begin- ningof the creatures of God. Secondly, the infirument or penman, his feruantTohnthe Euangeli(l, the Apotlle, the Dinine; who for the further and more full authoritie of it repeateth his name at leaf}fowre times Paying, T lohn. Thirdly, (to omit many)in the lafi chapter are fine teflimonies heaped veife,7s, together, thatifit were poftïble no man might be found fo obfiinately wicked as euer to doubt of it, but that he that (hould (land againfl the truthofit might euen gainfay the (pining of the Sunne it felfe: t. of the obloyaLoten ngei. a. ofGod himlclfe,the Lordoftheholy Prophets.;.ofIcfus Chrifl, Behold, I comefhorrly, &c. 4. of John, I Johnheard and fáxr all thefe things, ç. the prote(iationoflefus Chrifl, v.; 8.Iprotefl--_ if anymanfhall adde or diminifhfrom theft things ofthis booke , Godfhalladdeall the plaguesof it again§ him, and take away his part out of the booke of life. Now had this booke neuer to haue bin oppugned, there had not needed loch thong & frequent confirtnation:neitherwould the holy Ghoft hauebin foearnefl in aneedles matter. The like we might teach out ofparticular examples. How earnefl is the Apofile in the point we haue in hand,beeing the very foundationof Chrißianitie,not here onlybut elfewhere in his writings? when he law that menwould ioyne the law and gofpel ; circumcifion and baptifine, Gal.S. z. 'BeholdI Paulfay vetoycte, if yet bee circumcifed Chrifttfhall pro- fityounothing: ndverf.3.Iteffifi,eagaietevntoyou: and 4. Tee areabolífh edfromChr?,Tndfaltenfromgrace : he could not fatisfiehimfelfe in his vehemencie againft fuch a dodtrine as this was. Nay the Sonne of Vu 4 God ÇHAn.3.8,