Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Cß,.3.8 ACommeutarie upon the 68 ; God himfelfehath left vs his OWDCexample in thispoint of wifdome, whowas wont in his reaching vnto diucrfe more neceffary truths to pre- fix his Amen, AmenI fayvnteyam; which is in fence all one with this of our Apatite ifwe confider the (peach, though in the fpeaker and manner of fpeakingwas wonderfuildifference; hitntelfebeeing the Author and Amen it ieife, euen the faithfull and true witneffe, and all other fo farce onely true as they ceflified from him. And fohee often fhutteth vp his Greenam. (peach with, Hethat bathBares to hehre let him 'Bare:and then lethim that heareth or rcadeth confider, fuch fayings carrie fait with them, and for fuch-the Lord planted the care moreefpecialiy. Vfe. i. To teachMinitiers inmatters ofweight to deale fo roundly, as the confcience of the hearermay be as firmely flablifhed in the truth taught and parfwaded,as ifan angel from heauen fhould come & teach an other doótrinehe may be held =ended foas the verge hearts of the hearers may fay, rhis is afaithfulldofErineandfaying: for thus as the Go- cap.r.r, (pel is theword ofrruth,fo (hall it be held in much certentie by the profef- fors of it. And it is a fault blameworthy in many Minitiers, who when they are occafioned by the place in hand to fpeakeoffome concrouerted or molt neceffarie rruth;either for idlenes becaufe they will notfo much trouble thcmfelues,or for vnfaithfulnefteauoid,bydeclining and (ban- ning fuch truths the di(pleafure ofchetimes,w hich godly Minitiers muff fwailow,that the truthoppofed may be tetled in the hearts of men : not to fpeake of fuch as are infamoufly guilty of force vices vnrepented of and vnreformed, which makech them baike andbetray neceffarie truths, which in that regard they darenot mention. Points ofeon. 2. It is a great fault ofhearers, and worthy amendement , who can- rrouerfic mull not well indure toheare of points in controuer(ie, efpeciaìly betweene be diligently 'card &rauab,. the Papifts and our felues,whereas theirvnder(landings and iudgtnents arefo farre frombeeing flabiifhed in the certaine truth of fisch things,as euerywindeor blaft ofcheskulking lefuireor Papift is able ro vnfertle them in great matters, and turne themoff their grounds. Now if it bee the teachers part to infili efpecially in fuch needefull points as are moll oppofed, and hardliell yeelded vlito; it mutt needes be the hearers to prouoke chéfelues to the right difcerningof fuch differences :for neither do the contentionsofthe teachers fo much concerne themfelues as their hearers; neither ende they in themfelues, but in the hearer. See we not how if neuer fo groffe or (lender a point ofcarnall libertiebe contended about, it will carrie theapplaufealmoll ofall men with it ? Is it meete then that anySaint ofGod be a looker on ? andnot rathgaccording to rude 3. the commaundemenr, thateuerie onefhouldcontendforth faith oncegi. urn ? and can they contendvtaleffe they be taught how, and hereinfiru- ¿ted