Epif leofS. Paulto Titter. !led with weapons? This admonition is che more needtull in thefe daics fo full ofdanger by the feduótion of Papifts,feparators,libertines which fwarmc euery where;thedaily encreafc ofall which is not store incredi- ble then lamentable. 3. We learne hence bow toconceiue of thepoint and do&rine in hand, feeing the wifedomeofGods fpirit vfeth to fpeake to the worth ofthe thing , and by fuch prefaces and maries of fpeciall worthineffe pointeth to forneweighty and needful! point; vfing here another liyle then if he Ihould fpeake ofminc and cummin , andTome fmaller points ofreligion. We meet not in euery precept with an o-yes,or warnword, but where we do,wemull conceiue fuch not themotes , but the beames ofour religion,requiring our belt attentions,anddiligence in theenter- tainment. And therefore wemuff yeeld more then ordinary audience to this Apoflolicall do &rive, not palling by it as a thing which long lince we haue learned out ofCatechifine , and fo are pall it; but feting the Lord doch fo folemnly recall it into our cares and vnderflandings, we mull call together and fummon our heft fences and affe&ions to heare and receiue it.And the racher,becaufe two things are implied. t.Thac it is a moli true and neceffary,do&tine,becaufe the holyGhoft is fo camel in ir. 2.That it is not fo foone learned as men may thinke :for although it be not much contradi&ed in the mouches and by the words of men, yet is it exceedingly in their praëlifeand conuerfacion. CHAP.3.8 683 Andthefe things Iwill'theufliouldet affirme,] In this Apoftrophe vntoTitus, and thewords following theApoftle after a fort dwelleth in the commendation ofhis do &rive : for not con- tenting hiimfelfe tocall ir afaithfulIdafírine, he turneth himfelfeprefent- ly toTitus, andwilheth him in this vcrfe to be inftant in teaching ir, as in the next to be diligent and vigilant again!# the contrary. And herea. he comtnandeth, not exhortethTitus,Iwill that thou teach thefethings: that is,bothwhich I haueformerly deliuered,and now prefently follow.¡ 2. He prefcribeth the manner how Titus (hall teach them, That thou' affirme: that is, as it is a moll true and faithful! do&rine, fo do thou by all meanes moll conllantly,and vndoubtedlyperfwade and ttiaintaine it. The original] word is aborrowed (peach from thofe that glue or fell a ,a,p,,,a0at, thing to another,who are bound to defend the title, gift , or laie ofit a- gainlî all claimes,fuits,and entanglements : wherein is infnuaced, that although it be afaithfull-word,yet it(hal notfalle tobe called into que- llion,and meet with prongoppofition:and therefore Titusmuli the ra- ther bendhimfelfe tomake it good,againll all cauills andqueliions that canbe mooued about it,or again!! it. 3. He