Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

.iHAP.1.8. 68} vpoitaoAai. eí.ßCommentarse von the A good ivolke cannot come fromany but a good man. 3. Hee enterlaceth againe the fumme ofthe doctrine which he dwel- led) in the commendation of, That beletuers be carefull tofhewe forth goodworkcr. The Greeke word is a military word, taken from fuch as let themfelues in the foreword or front of the batraile, and manfully march before the reft,foencouraging the whole band following to the like va- lour and diligence as they fee in them their leaders. This word would our Apoflle trantlate to Chriftians andconuerts to the faith whome he would not only haue fruitful) in good workes,but ardent , forward,,and the fir tt in them;goingbefore others as leaders ,captaines, patrons and examples. 4. Hee affixed) a reafon why hedoth fo vrge him to the teaching of thelè things , Thefe thiugs aregoodandprofitableveto men, The fireame of expofitors conceiue there words, as the iuf} praife and commendati- on of good workes byour Apoftle immediately before mentioned , in- cluding a reafon why beleeuers fhouid be fruitful) in them : But I ra- ther conceiue them as anenforcement of the duty vpon Titus , for there reafons. t. had the Apoftle applied them to good workes, it is not like- ly he would haue feuered them from the former words by a full point: he might footter and aptlíerin that fence haue laid, which are good and proftable,or (as id the end ache next verte) for they are that and thus; rather then after fo full a floppe fo fuddenly haue returned to thatmat- ter which loomed abfolued and finifhed, 2. Thefe words in the other fence giuen,feeme to make aneale entrance , and beat an high way to the next branch of Titus his duty, namely to fet himfelfe againfl the contrary doctrine. 3. The oppofition in the endof the next verle clear- ly leadethme to this expoticion , which is , as this kind of' doe-trine u goodandprofitable, fo than other torme ofdoólrine which flandeth vpon idle queftionsand genealogies is vaine, and vnprofitable. Thus then Iet vs take the entire fence : This do6trine which I haue and doe deliuer un- to thee for the vieofthe Church,is a faithfull word , doe thou therefore affirme it boldly,and confirme it vetobeleeuers:the which if thou dolt, thou (halt propound things which aregood and profitable: good, than is, wholefome and found in their ownc nature : and profitable, that is, of exceeding good and neceffarie vie thorough the whole life of man. Mar, I. In that fuch.0 beleeue in God,mufl be careful) to (hew forth good workes, we mayobferue from whom a good workecan only pro- ceed; namely, from beleeuers. For invaine had it beetle to haue vrged the doetrineof good workes vpon wicked ones andvnbeleeuers; there is another doótrine moreproper to them ; namely that doótrine which may fl!rike themwith forrow for finne, fence ofdamnation, prickings of heart,