Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpiftleofS.Paud to Titus. CHAp.a.8. hearc,and terrors of confcience,fo as they might be prepared vnto faith, and there ',vorkes ofrepenrance,the fruits of amendment of life. There- fore that we might know this doétrine ofgood workes proper to belee- uers, our Apoflie r.alletb for them ofnone other ; well he knew that nu other could do them,he knew that men cannot gather grapes of thornes, and that till the founaine were pure, the i{l'ues and ftreames mull needs be troubled and cor. ipt ; he knew that firtl the tree muff be good, and then the fruit, and that the infide mull firft be made cleane :In a word, that whofoeuer bath not his heart purified by faich,is an vncaptRble hea- rer of this do&rine. Obieít. But are not vnbeleeuers as well bound to good workes as beleeuers,is nor the law vniuerfall,and the commande- ment, todoegood, andabflainefrom eui/l generali? Anfw. Yes, they are bound to bring forth fuch good workes as are the fruits of faith, which before regeneration is an impoilible conìmaundemenc : for euery tree which bringethnot forthgoodfruit"hall be heaven downe. Quef. But what if anvnbeleeuer doe that which God commaundeth, as glue alines , build Churches,colledges,heare the word, pray, tnaintaine theminihery, & c. Anfw. We cannot here fitlierfpeake then with the Apoftie,whatfoeHer is not offaith is linnet andwit hootfaith it it impo ble topleafe God. ObieEt. But then if I be not affured that I am a beleeuer, it is all one to doe good or euill,to fit at home or come to Church,to pray or not to pray,&c. Anf. Iris not all one,feeing the a6tion commanded is good in the matter,and may doe good vnto ochers,and may bring fome temporali bleilttng, or remooue (ome temporali milli from the party himfelfe, as appeareth in that femblance ofrepentance in Ahab without faith and truth:although in the doer,in the forme,and in the ende it faileth. But the anion forbid- den is euery way, and out ofineafurefnnefull and damnable. Obieit.But it is not all One to be condemned for doing an a&ion forbidden, and to be condemned for doing anaeiion commanded not done of faith. Aniw. No,for though both be condemned,yet the judgment ofthe latter is far eafier,and the (tripes farre fewer: for it is eafier for fotne then for others of them who are all condemned. T/fe. i. Therecan therefore be no iuftification by workes, as the Church of Rome teacheth, ifthey can be onely the fruits of perlons al- ready iuftified. 2.Nruer content thy felfe that thoudoet+ good workes ,of charity, liberality, mercy, or deuotionpublike or private; vnleffe thou haft a ground in thy felfe, that they are fruits offauïng faich,which bath purifi- ed thy heart, and fo brought thy perron and worke into acceptance : for before this cime,let them Ceeme in thine eies neuer fo bright &gliftring, yet are they noother inGods chewCoining darkenes and beautiful! de- 685 Romaq.vlr, fka,,,.6, taac.ti.ia.a , OpUS gttndq,a I been( viuet to en non fit nifi á. iuí(t5cato. Aug. defpir &tits. 0. for-