Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP. 3.8. t..dCammentarie vpon the 686 formities. It is not thy hone(} meaning , nor diligent deuorions , nor good intents which bringacceptance to a worke; but faithworking by loue:deceiue not thy felfe in that thouhaft done that which thou waft Ì commanded;for it is theprefcnce or abfence offaith that putteth a diffe- rence in the fame worke,done by vertue ofthe fame word.Caine offrcth . factificeto the Lord,fo doth Abel:Phineas is zealous for the Lord,fo is Iehn:Peter weepeth for his finne againfi Chriff,fo doth Iudas alto : here is the fame worke, but not the fame acceptance: where is the difference now ? By faithAbel offered a better facrifice then Caine : and if Peters biaik.v.s4. faith hadfailed , fo had his fact too aswell as Iodates. if thou prayeff', Heb.4a. pray in faiths beleeueand thou fiale receiae. If thou ,hcareft, mingle the word withfaith, elle it becommeth vnprofitable: and fo in other du- ties. 3. This fheweth that numbers are vncapahle ofthe dotrineofgood works, and therefore Minifiers muff be wife ro propound it in the due feifon ofit ; and f rff labour in rooting faith in mens hearts , and 'thefe fruits will eafily rife. Profctrces of DoEír. a, Profefforsof theGofpel are aboue all other not only cal.. the Gospel mmn bethe fiift led to the praClife of goodworkes, but to belthe firft and forwardeft, andfot tde a yea lights and leaders vnto others. r. In regard of their prefent effate: in ey works. they are the children of their heauenlyFather,and thereforemuff refem- t ble him; and fowalke as they may teffifie thetnfelues of this houfhold Matth.5.,4. of faith: for what ad:fhonourwere it to their high calling to beescee- ded and oncfirippedof Infidels ? They are Gods warleemanfhip created in óph,sso. .Iefur Chrifontogoodwor%es.They haue rece iued the fpiri t of grace which Ì only can 'make them fruitfoil as good trees laden with the fruits ofrigh- a.Pet.t.a. teoufneff .Theyare inlightened in theknowledge oflefus Chri(f,wher- in it were a Ihame to be either idlear vnfruitfasll, and not to Chineout as the lightsöfthe world in holding forth the word of life in all godly con- nerfation, 2 Secondly , that Inch as beleeue maybe blameleffe, andfopat to (ilence t.Pemas. the ignorance offoolifhmen: forthis is Satansolde policie,whereby in all ages hebath turned away the hearts of many from the rruth,and where - of( thoughhe bedifcouered) hedifarmech not himfelfe at this day;that when the Apofiles themfelues, & the teachers in the Church fucceeding them deliuered the truth of the doctrine of iuffificarion by faith alone without the workes of the Law;he wouldalwaies thrutt in Come profef- fors into the Church,that vpon this occafion did turne the grace ofGod into wantonneffe; and then raife a generals (launder ofthe dodtrine, as though it wereonly adoctrine ofliberty: even as at this day the Papifls (launder vsas enemies to goodworks, only becaufewe thruft themout of"