Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epitleofs. Patel toTitus. CHAP.3 8. ufChrifls chaire. Nçw toauoid this ordinary fcandall,theprofcffors of 687 this fame doElrine muff efpecially for the honour of God, and his Go- fpel,& their pcofeflion of ir,becareful! to become patterns in their hues of the faith theydoe profeffe. The fruit whereof (hall extend it felfe yet further then the floppingof the enemiesmouth :cum to thewinningof themor other that are yet without, who by Inch godly conuerfation shall be by little and little enclined co like theword,and fo be conuerted to theprofef%on and praileof it at che length. Nay this fruit is not on- ,,per,ja. iy reaped by otherswithout,but no fmal benefit redoundeth to theppro- fcffors themfelues,who hereby make their owne eleEtionfare:and iuflifie to s.pet.t.to. chetnfelues andothers,that faith which iuftifieth them beforeGod. ;. Thedangerof thenegleaof this duty vrgeth it: he that knoweth his maflers will,and doch it not,fhall be beatenwithwoe flripes.Tribu. lation and anguifh (hall be to every finner,frf6 to the lew,and then to the Ro n.2. . Gentile. Why firll to the Iewe ? becaufe they were theprofeffed people ofGod,profefforsof the lawe,poffefforsof the oracles, hearers of the Prophets,but defpifers of the meanesof faluation : they therefore (hall be firfl andheauiefl iudged. Vie. i. If we profefle our felues by faith to be fet into Chrill, we f eaz , ñh dp may examine the truthof it hereby,that then we cannot but be fruitful! fo:mtrduty. trees of righteoufnes,beeing remooued into fo found a (lock, and fruit- full a folle. Whofoeuer thenare not much andoften in the workes of godlines,loue,and mercy, maywell fufpeél their eflate. 2. Whatfoé- 3 uer things are hones ,pure, iufi, and of goodreport , let beleeuers think" ' Philip 4 a on theft things , let them thinke that fuch precepts belong properly to them:it beeing a truth that all exhortations in Scripture are firll and di. ' rely made to chofe who in fome meafute are freed to acceptable, though not full performanceof the fame:wherby lec beleeuers prouoke themfelues tomorediligence,feeing vnbeleeuers cannot tell what way to begin in them. 3.Carry a diligent eye and watch otter thy life ,ande. uery ai bonof it : before thou enttefl into any a62ion , examinewhether it will glorifie God, &dignifie thy profeflìon ;or expofe it to contempt,. andmake that holy way culll fpoken of..}. Watchopportunities to do 4 good,take them when they areof redbefote they flippe thee; yea feeke them,that thou main euer haue fomethingbetween thy hands toglori- fieGod andhisGofpe! Withal!. g. Crane wifdome at thehands ofGod, wait at her gates,hearecounfell fromher mouth, lay vp the rules of the word, for theordering ofthy heart and life: thus (halt thou be ablenot only to paffeeveryday more innocently then ocher ,.but become alío a clearerpatterne of weldoing, and moreconformable to this ruleof our holy Apo(lle. Bue S av..ar.