Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Ept file ofS.Paul do Titui. CHAP.;.$, good words good Chriflians? Let vs pullout our hands out of our warme bofonies and fall to worke,and leaue idle iangling. It would be more for the honour ofGod andhis Gofpel , if profèffors would either do more, or fay leffe; pra&ire fomething like, or profeffe nothing at all. Where is the communion of Saints become ? when doe profeffors meet together to edifie themfelues by godly conference ? when enquire they oneofan other, where is a Poorechritlian either licke, or inother di- u reffe, that wemay gather him a little releefe ? werenot fuch a fellow- (hip as this liketi unto the pure(! Primitive Church in the dales of the Apoflles themfeiuei? &were it not now fitter for beleeuers, then flue fo privatlymindedasmany?as thoughwe could not be religious,vnles(as ofolde) wecloi[lcr our felues likeMonks, lining within our private wals,feçdingvp our felues,and (boring vp for ours, but forgetting Io- fephsafili&ion.And furely,what is the caufewe fee not fuch a comforta- ble communion,btrt becaufe thofe that beleene inGod are fo heauyve- ro good workes?the richer fort which fhouldbe as great wheeler to fet forward the poorer, either lookebigge vpon them,or for other emploi- ments haue not fomuch leafure as they : their owne ploughs muff for- ward wharfoeuer become ofGods:and the poorer fort want both means and example.- Doer. 3. In that theApoflle willeth Titus to affirme thefe things deliuered,and addeth this as a reafon,becaufe they are good andprofita- ble: we obferue, that Minifters in their teaching mull haue refpeót to thefe two things. i.That they deliuer true, found , andgoodmatter in it felfe, a. That itbe profitable for the hearers. Firfl, it mull be trueand found,elfe are theynot of Gods fending,for whopshe fendeth, he furni- lhethwith a word oftruth: as on the contrary, Satan is a lying fpirit in the mouchesof feducers. Now then is it truewhen it is deuided aright, and then deuided aright when it is truly and properly grounded on the place whence it is raifed;as alto when it is truly and rightly applied.Ay- ming I.to pleafeGod,and not men,or the times: a. tobeate downe fin, and not open a doore to liberty or licencioufneffe : 3. to comfort and encourage fuchas walkvprightly,andnot make the hearts ofthofehea- uy,to whom theLord fpeaketh peace,Let the doarinebe neuer fo true, if it bemifapplied it ceafeth to be Gods, who alwaiesfpeakethto the heart of his children. Secondly, it mull beprofitable as well as true. For a. euery thing in the Churchmull be done toedifie, and confequently fpoken alto. 2. All affemblies are appointed for the profit, and for the better of the Church : I. Cor. II. 17. 3. The commaundement is, to deliuer no- thing but what May breedgodly edifying, I. Tim. 1.4. andnot to fi<riuc. about 689 The Popifl, re- ligionwas molt without forthe ihew,whereas non_ was with. in their walls, Many ',rotes Rants are pri. uatly religions, . butlittle biea. keth out, True religion is little beholding to eichu, Doftrine.rult beboth true,& truly dealt with.