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EpiI7le of.i. Padto Visa. CHAP.I.3. richer.- -which riches is Chrift inyou ; whome wepreach. For the fecond, that faith is wrought by thewordpreached, leeRom.to ii.. and t.Cor. 1.21. By thefoolifinteffC ofpreaching it pleafeth God tofame fetch ire beleeue: in that herein he both offereth Chrifl vnto vs, and giuethvs faithby whichwe receive him. z. This truth appeareth, in that wherefoeuer the Lord had apeople to call to faluation,there he Pent his Prophets, and A- pollles, whom he appointed folong there to ftay,till his worke was fini- fhed, and then fent them elfewhere : when Paulwas refilled, and blafphe- tried by the 'ewes at Corinth, hepronounced them guilty of their owne blood, and purpofed to turne to theGentiles; but theLord fufhered him not, but cauled him toflay there ayeare,and fix moneths longer, becaufe he had manypeople in that title : fo Pauland Timothyhauing gone tho- roughPhrygiaand Galatia, were forbidden by the holy Ghoft to preach its Mia, and by a vilion were allured that the Lordcalled ehem to preach in (Macedonia, Which direEtionofthem by the fpirit toafome places, and refiraining them from other, argued that they carried with them the meanes ofconnecting fuch as whom the Lord at that time purpofed to call. In this ordinance is it called the word offaith, r.Tim.4.6. deliuered by exhortationand doólrine, verf.t 3. in this embalíage it is called the word ofreconciliation:and thus preached, is called the Gofpel ofthe king- dome of God: Mark. 1.14.lobn camepreaching the Gofpell of the b`ingdome of God, powerfully railing vp men thereunto: and the Gofpell ofourfalua- ation, Ephef. r. t 3. Vfe. i. The preaching of the ward is the greatefl blefling that the Lord beflowethvpon any peopie;and fuch a one asGod in his anger de- priues that people of, againii whom he intendeth a plague: the former appeareth in that great care ofChrift himfelfe, whobefore and after his afcentïon, providing for the good ofhis body the Church, as the fpecial gift and lone token hecould leave behind him, appointed Apoftles,E- uangelids,and afterthem Patlors and teachers, tocontinue to his com- mingagaine. The effeéts allo thew the power and priceof the Welling, which are reconciliation with God, fan&ificationof the fpirit, mortifi- cation ofthe flefh, the life ofGod; all which are brought by the reuea- ling of'efus Chrifl. The latter is euident in Amos 5.13. that when the Lord is about to bring mill times , he maketh theprudent to keepeRenee. Both which fhew vnto vs , that the Lordbath openedvoto vs in this Church and land his cheifetl treafure: in that he hath put the barres into the rings ofthe Atke,whereby his glorie is caried throughout our coun- try; and in that hebath lifted vp his cloud in the fight ofall our people to dires vs inall our iourneis: he bath not dealt fo freely with cuche nation, neither haue theyknownebu lames, Pfal.44.vlt. 49 A&L6.9 Aá.t6.e.9. :.cor.f.r9. xt nufi needs <ç;ieR bd Ing that any >:phçar. Exod.;o.;s. } D a life. z.