Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP. 3.8. 690 Itr.t4.11,t4. tesComnsentarie vpon the about words to noprofit : r . Tim. ?.14. bounded with a threatning , that theLord will come againft fuck Prophets as feekeout vaine things, and fuch ar bring no profit to hi people Iet. 2 3. p. 4. examples : Paul pro. felfeth of 6itulelfe tha. he kept nothing backe which was profitable, 20.20. Nay the Lord himfelfe ferteih himfelfea worthyexample here. of to all teachers and preachers : v.. 48. 17. I am the Lord thy God which teacheth thee to profit, and leadeth thee the way thou haft to got. Pte. a. It is not enough that a Minifler be a great fcholler,but hee mull be a true teacher too. Many a learned man is a falfePropiret,wher.. of wehaue pregnant example in the Church ofRome, in whom we fee the (peach true, that inGods matters the greasell clearks are nor euer thewifeti men. It is obfetueable alto in theScribes,Pharifes , and Rab- bies the Iewes,that depthoflearninghath not alwaies the truth chey- ned vnto it: but that the Lord (according tohis accullomed manner, working in andby weake things) often reucaleth more fauing wifdom to fomepoore, contemned,humble foule, then to all the great clearks, who may otherwife profetiethat they haue the very key of knowledge: which is not fpoken that any should hence be emboldned, to concemne foexcellent an ornament as learning is,but only to thew that the Lord tyeth not himfelfeand truthunto ir. O6ielï. But we haue no teachers, who teach not the truth. Anftr. We are tobleffeGod that the truthofreligion is fo happily taught and protected as it is; and Satan wanteth ofhis will that it is fo : and yet canwe thinke that his malice now towards theend is foabated; or that the (late oftheChurch is now aboueall times fopriuilidged , as that he bathnot his intiruments flill labouring to corrupt & depraue the truth; broaching fo far as they dare their private opinions, for which the truth is littlebeholding vnto them ? The Prophet Ieremie fpeakech of Pro- phets whoprophecied lyes in the nameoftheLord, and faith, they pro- phecied falfe vi/lon, and divination , and vanitie , and the decettfulnefe of their owne heart: why what was that? in that they faid, Teefhallnot fee the[word , andfamine /hall not come , dut 1 will giue you afuredpeace inthis place. Ifwe (hall heare fuch Tweet inchanting voyces ; all is well with vs,we haue the mofl flourishing andmoll reformed Church that e- wer was frnce the Apoilles dayes; and we may take a nappe and refl in our peace andprofperitie ,what waycanwebe mooned ? furely, thefe wordsmay feeme the vilionsofinens ownehearts , the rather in that the Lord by hisown hand from heauenproclaiming the contrary, byJura- ' bleplagues, and tailing judgements, ofplagues, famines,vnfeafonable- ne(fe ofweather by yeares together: and for the troubles andoppofrti- ons