Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpiTle.fS. Paol to Titus. ons in theChurch, when or where were they fironger finte theGofpel( firs entred ? If we (hall hearevoices whifpering,oh men arc too precife, tooure, too forward, and what need fomuch reaching, fo much run- ning & trotting to fermons; and difgracing loch as frequent themcancs of taluation mote carefully, with the zearmes of fermon-madders& fer- mon-murgers,and fuch : Is the truth, whichdefrreth nothing more then the light, beholding to filch vifions of mens owne hearts : or can we here acknowledge the flyle of the fpirit and word of truth ? Ifwee (hall meete with doctrinesgiuing hbertie to profane gaming and pafiimeson the Lords Sabbath; and then hauing gotten in a finger, go on tomake it an indifferent thing, to keepe or not to keepe but or,ely the rimes of Church required by law: and further, make it que(lienable whether we ought to keepe this preterit Sabbathor devife tome other ; is not this as great a blow to the truthas fhe can receiue,& more then the locketh for in the houle other friends?which let it preuaiie,we that fee a poore tier - uen pietie amongmen in very few dales. Ifwe meet with other defen- ces intlifying and approouíng euery thing, andanything to be fpoken lathe pulpit betides thepose word ofCiod,which is profitable to teach, improoue , correél , and infiruc`ì in all righreoufneffe : that a man may moyle bimielfe and hearers in puddles(1 fpeake comparatiuely in regard of thepurewordof God) when in the arcane tinte the fweec fireames which run from vnder the thre(hold of the Sanctluary are negle&ed:how is the truth here honoured, when theScriptures the fountains ofir, are fovnegaally matched ? If it (hall be affirmed , that whofoeuer (hail in na i e tat-oldie themfelues to be Chriflians, the Sacraments are not to be denied them, although theybe openly wicked, becaufe all men are fob-. ie& to finne. Ifmen (hall malte a tuna, and a lighr,or no fault, to fweate by faith, or troth, &c. becaufe it is but a cufiomeof the tongue: Purely, wemay lay if there be the voyces of Prophets, they are of inch as Chritt fpeaketh of, which deceixe many, which make iniquicie abound, and the Matth.t+rr. loue to the truth grow key cold. Vfe. z. To people to pray to the Lord, i. Toglue Pafiors accor- What people ding to his owne heart, not fuch as may feekeout vaine and foolish ' it pray tor in things, the froath of wir and learning;but fuch things as may feed their wo1r° foules with wiredom and vnder(lantivag. z.For the Ipitit ofdiicerniug, e to trie the Ipititsby which ace olGod: for the guile ofIlle teachers is, priuily tobring indamnable herefes, andcraftily to creepe into mens trh,a a. affe& ions; and menmore eafilyrunne after them,becaufethey fpeake fomethingpleafing to corrupt nature, fornetimes in thematter, (blue- times in the manner : and therefore fuch as wouldnot be deceiued by chem,mufi beprouoked tomore warineffe. 3. For the fpirit of fubieéli- ; Xx 1 on, Cenß.3.ó. 09