Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAY,3,8; vtCommentate vponthe 69 a on, that they may receiue the truth as truth : for elfe it will be iuGwith God toglue them ouer tobe (educed with falfe teachers, and tobeleeue lyes. For thofe that defpife his counfell,(hall sateofthefruit of their own way, and befilledwith their owne deuifes: thofe that regard not to knowe God, (hall byGod be deliuered vp to a reprobate fenfe : and thofe that will not beleeue one Micah, but hatehim, (hall fall into the hands of 4 fowre hundreth falle Prophets to fall by them. 4. Commend the caufe ofthe truth vnto the Lords prote&ion, entreating him that it may bee continued euen to this our Church and Land : the which finely by the great contempt and abufe of thelight, and the bringersofit, wee haue Maly forfeited ; and deferue to beplagued with all kind of illufions, as Poperie,profanenes, Brownifme, Atheifme; the whichfearefull iudge- ments haue madeout great head alreadie, and are forerunners of grea. ter euills, andbeginnings ofmore bitter forrowes, without timely re- pentance.And towhat other ground can weafcribe all thefe euills, but veto the lull iudgement ofGod,for our hatredand abufeofthe light, & the candleflicks ofit? Verf. 9. Butflayfoolifh-gueflions, andgenealogies, and contentious, and brawling: about the lave, for they are vnprofitable and vaine. Although Titus hadbeene in the former verfe commanded to teach, and beat home fuch true andprofitable points of doétrine as we haue heard, yet mull he know,that he hath receiued but halfe his errand, and is but halle way in his duty; wherein ifhe would be compleat , he muff further circumfpeetly watch againti, and repreffe all vaine and fruitles teaching,efpeciallythofekinds herementioned : either fuffering them not tobreake our at all; or ifthey doe,to nipand 61a0 themquickly and betimes: ifhe can hemull Hoppe them in the head;ifhe cannot doe that, he muff flay them in the fireame. The verle flandeth on two parts , i.aprecept, to flayfeolifl, queflion:, andgenealogies, and cententionr,andbrawlings about the law, a. a reafon ofit, for theyare vnprofitable and vaine For the meaning of the words we mull knowe, that our Apoflle condemneth not the mooning of eue- riequeflion inhandling theword; for there are many neceffary ones in diuinitie, which for ourinflrudtion and edification wemay enquire and difpute : thus we reade that Paul difputed often: and thus we are trained and furnifhed in the diuinitie fchoole,to defend the truthof Godagain fi the aduerfaries of it : and where Salomon brandeth him with a note of follie that maketh noqueflion but beleeuethcurry thing, he fheweth that there is a wifeinquiution into neceffary truths tending to edificati- on.But the Apollleexpreffethwhat queflions he difaloweth in a Divine, foo*