Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epaßlcofs. PadtoTitus. L:etAP.3 9. foolttfh regions , that is,vnneceffarie, idle ,ofno moment , of no good 69; vie to edification , neither in faith nor loue , in confcience nor manners. Where me thinks Paul by the Cpirit of prophet e forefawe , forewarned, and forearmed the Church ofthat great malice ofthe deuill, which in after ages preuailed to the ouetthrowofall puritie ofreligion and piety it fells : and that was by turning men from the comfortable praElife,and proper vfeof Scripture,to leek out an art ofd iuinityappropria:e to fonte few:and fo fuddenly came to turne all the found knowledgofthe Scrip- tures into a skeptike and queflionarie diuinitie; whereby the deuill kept good wits from theknowledge and Cindy of tongues, and the neceflarie fundamental) points ofChriflian religion;and fer them on worke in the fpeculacion of Grange, friuolous, and curious queGious, wherein they were nor one more againGanocher,then all of thenagainGGod,and his truth, and the building of his Church. And this is the quod!ibetarie fchoole diuinitie, then which nothing is more highly magnifiedoftnany at this day, who had rather tart leekes then Manna:and although our A- poftlegraunteth that it may hauea (hew oflearningand wifedome fal- fly focalled; yet as here it is calledfoolifh, fo elfewhere he confidently tearmethit bothfeolifdi andonlearxed,becaufe it is occupyed in fuch que- :.Tim,z,,;, (lions, as haueneither wifedome nor learning in them, while they make aPhew ofboth. Such are their que(3ions concerning their heavenly Hierarchies, and Foolin, qudni. orders ofAngels,-concerning the degrees ofthe Saints in heaven, lode- Ot5 oFYap;tts. finitiuely and magifrally determining,as though they hadnewlydrop- ped out of theclouds: Paul durlneuer vtcer fuch things who was wrap- ped into the third heauen. Othersof them as though at the requeu of the richman they had been tent from hell, are as confident ofthings don in purgatories Others are at redde war whether things nocionall or re- all bebetter: Come f'eace in difputing whether the world could bebet. ter made:others to be refoluedwhether the Popebe more merciful! then Chrif, becaufeChrift deliuereth none out of Purgatorie as the Pope Ponfehereof Both. But about their Sacramentand confecraced hoaf, their tumults the learned lane in Deft. are fuch and fo ridiculous; asa judicious Divine would be loath to foule wh.tak.de Es. hismouth,or bis hearers cares with them. There are the toyles ofthe an- I`r q"'11.5. gelicall, feraphicall, magiurall, and IirbcileDod}ors, Scotsu, Haler, Hal- P Goth, Dxrand, and fuckmonflers ofDiuines;which howmuch true lear- ning they containe, the darkenes of their ages in which they hued and fince,fu.(ficiently manife(leth.Gods righteous judgement was vponthem and thewhelp. world lince for their fakes,and that fentence verified vp- on them,while they rhasght themfeixes wife , they becameflan) efeeler. Let ttom.raa. Gudents Tooke how they Cpend time in them : for the truth is , that if a Xx a man