Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpiflleofS. Padto Titus. CAkP39 Meliiah vino he world. As, r. to fhewe that becaufe God would bee 695 appcafed in the famenature that had finned, thereforehe was true man land not iti thew:and that his humanitie,inçarnation,and natiuity fhouid ! not be obfcure,his naturali defcentis by the Euangeiifts brought downe fromAbraham,yea from e/fdam,fhewing vs thereby what is the proper end ofall genealogic in the Scriptures. a. The nohilitie ofhis birrh,and 2 worthines ofhis parentage,and that he was the right heire to the I -ewith kingdome. 3. The truthof the prophefies concerning him, that he was ? the forme of Abraham, andofDauid, and that the fcepter departed not from Iudah tit hisappearing. 4. Thebidingwherewith that familyout 4 of whichhe came was aduancedand difündt from all the tribes of the earth. g. His humilitie who cameof all fortsof men and women, pub- r like andprivate,poore and rich, good and.bad, that hemight be a fit Sa- uiour ofail forts of men: not difdainiug toplace in hisgenealogie Pha- res the incefhzous fonne of Iudah , and Bathfhebs that was the wife of Vriah, And in thefe vies thefe genealogies may be fill with fobrietie read, taught, and beard. Queft. What is it then the Apotlle condemueth ? e4nrw. Not any fuch as ferue to the edificationofthe faith of theChurch, whereof this of Chrifl a publike perton and Sauiour of the word is the chcifeof all ; neither the keepingofthe clefcent, fo far as ferneth to the preferuation ofright iuflice, and ciuìll peace. In which refpe6t Kings and Nobles, yea and other inferiour perlons may enquire into that right which their ancefiors haue made their due: andmuti fo hold their genealogic, as theymay hold their right againff all claimes. But here is condemned all Wt eenealo gíes eare here that recountingofkinred and petegree in all forts ofinen,which procee- coadomncd, deth from a vaine minde, and tendeth toworldly pompeand vaine-glo- tie. For this was the fume ofthe Iewifh Teachers , that whereas nowe by Chrifis appearance all diflinétionoffamilies was in religious refpe6 abrogated : andnowwas no fuck need ofgenealogic as before , vnleffe it were before Infidells, and filch as werenotperfwaded of the right de- fcent of Cheat: yet they out of their pride wouldbe much and of.en in extolling of their tribes and kinred; and fonot onely for thefe accef- fories let go the fubilnceof religion,hut as ifthey would buildvp that polity again which nowwas abolifhed,to the great hurt oftheir hearers, would much bufre themfalues in fuck fruitles difcourfes. There genealo- I gies muff Titus withfiand. Bybrawling and eontentios about the h w, are meant thofe time conten- tions which yet many Iewes and Iudaizing teachers did trouble the puritie of religion withal]; firiuinghill to bring backe againe the ob- feruationofIewifhceremonies ; Inch s was circumcifion , differences Xx3 of