Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Cxnr.3.9 696 Saran fce'kcth to corrupt the pureft churches by bringing in needlefre que. ftiurs, Aa,t5:9. tJ1Cowwentarie vponthe of meats, and daies,and garments; as though Chrift werenot yet come, wherewith the Churchhi that tenderage was much moltacd. But now our Apofllepointeth to another end ofthe law, namely, to inflitute the life,containe in obedience,& leidvnco Chri(l;but not ro (hadow Chri(f to come as before,whoby bis comming bath put an end toall fuch cere- monies. Of all there cndle& queflions, idle genealogies, and brabling con- tentions, theApoflle giueth,this cenfure; that although theymay feeme tohaue a puffing kindofknowledge,and be (food for as for fire and wa- ter, as ifthe whole fubflance of religion were placed in them t yet are they vnprefirableand swine, farce from inflrublion and edification ofmen in true godlines ; yea indeed great hindrances thereto,as taking vp time and labour, and wits ofmen which fhould better be imployed; which as we Paid, is a forceable reafon toanoide and repreffe them. Hitherto the meaning. Doff. r.The Deuil is ready in thepureft Churches to corrupt the puri. tie of do&trin,by flirting needles &endles queftions,cithet in fubflance of dobtrine,or inceremonies; wherein men will be as hot eas Val! religi- on were placed in them. And thus fhaIl the peace of the Church bee troubled, the free partage of the Gofpel hindered, thegodly teachers greiued , and all for things vnnecefl'arie and idle : things fometimes fo farce from profitingthe Church,as that theymuch hinder it,andobfcure the do trine of true religion. Ali this appeareth plainely in this our ex- ample. The malicious man is euer towing taresin Gods field, and jibe cannot extinguifh all the light of Chrifiiar, do (trine, if hecannot pull downe ashe would the fubflauceof truth, he will doe what be can ; bee will make diffention in fmaller matters, whereby many (hall be offen- ded, many cab backe that werecomming on,& manyother kept backe, who might comeon in time. So when theDifciples of Chria and John contented int'nefubflanceofdoélrine; yet could hemake them quar- rel( in wafhings,and failings, and filch ceremonies. Paul and Barna6aa confented in fubflance ofdoEtrine, yet for a very trifle and indifferent thing, (the company or leaningbehind ofMarke) were foexafperated and deuided, that they did feparate one from the 'other. And if hee be foforceable ingood men that he taketh the aduantageof flefh in them much moredoth he effe&Rually work in vnconfcionablemen who are all fl,: fh, and all corruption. Eafic were it in all ages to difcouer this emi- nent note ofSatans malice in falfe teachers , namely, that they were e- uer moreearneb invrging and conflraining ofinen in their owne deui- fes, then to the duties of the morall law.: Chrifl charged the Pharifies that theyplaced more religion in wafhing pots , cuppes,and beddes, then: