Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpafIleofS. Paulto ritra. CeAp.3.9, then in keepingGods commandements. ThefeIewifhTeacher's , Ads. 697 r 5. 29. are branded that they troubled the Church with words, and combredmens minds (euen inihe Apoftles daies)voith things dead,and vnneceffarie,with circumcifionand ceremonie. And is not Gods judge- ment come vpon the Papifts at this day to thevtrermol, whohaue cal- led backe all thefe Iewifhceremonies againe, and fo long contended for them, that they haue loft the fubflanccof pure religion, and the truth bath betakenher to her wings ? Their fehoole diuinitie is turned away from Chrifls bodic to his garments :their maine difputes are taken vp a- bout workes of preparation, free-will, merit ofworkes,workes fuper- errogatorie,purgatorie, differences ofgarments, meats, dayes, vowes, pilgrimages; which art inch things as Chrift wrapped vp together and left in his graue, whenhimfelfe role againe. And their doelrinall diuini- tie to the people, as we reade it in thepoflils, but fehoole diflin6tions, and legends of fables; or oflatter times, bitternesagainft the firfl reflo- rers of religion, who oppofe their former falle doctrines. And fortheir heat in urging chele things abone all theCommandements ofGod,none is fo blind but may fee that they more feuerely punifhhim that fafleth not their lent, then fuch as are manflayers ; more him that keepeth not oneof their Saints dayes , then him that keepeth neuer a Sabbath tho- rough the yeare : that they make it a greater firne for tome forts ofmen to marriea wife,then to hue in fecret filthineffe all their hues long.Thus the deuili hawing gotten in his head,eafily thrufteth in all his bodie;and ifhe get a Church or people at this aduantage, that he can cumber mens mindeswith needleffe things, and (titre vp brabling contentions, a- bout vnprofitable and vaine deuifes ofmen; he is in great hope and pro- babilitie ere long to put out that light, which he bath aireadie fo farce darkened. 71fc. Let vs acknowledge the worke ofSatan,whenwe fee men who are all ofone found judgment in the fub(lance of religion,and fo fhould bebrethren; to be at filch bore ilrife and oppofition for matter ofcere- monie, and for things in comparifon vaine and vnproficable. z. Let vs not count it a (+range or newething, tobe coo much offended at ir. 3. Letvs pray the Lord, who can rebuke Sathan, todifí'olue Inchworkes of the Deuill, lea(+ in the ende too late wee lament the Joffe of the truth. Dear. 2. In rimehis example, euery Minifler is not onely to teach profitable things, but to refill thecontrarie. He that would bee faithful+ in the houle ofthe Lord, mull behauehimfelfe inbuilding thefe fpirituali walls, as Nehemiah did in building the material( wall of Iern- falem. He mu(t bereadie with his coole inone hand , and his weapon in Xx 4 che Miniersmull teach things profitable and rsfilk the con- trary.,