Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CaAp.39. 698 toh.4. ïo:n,rt.t. .f1 Carsrnestarie on the i the other,both tobuild, and defend his building. Hemutt bee fo farre from vaine teaching in himfelfe,as he muff not fuller it in another,ifit lie in his power tohinder it.Thedotrine booing foplaine,as it is tobe read out of the words ofthe text, we will fpendno labour in the proofe, but celeriac it to thevfe, which ir, z. To reprehend fundry forts ofteachers. z. Such as wearie them- felues and hearers with knotty quettions, which are as parables to the people, wherein while men exercife their wits, to get a name ofprofan_ ditie, they do no little hurt : for they fill the heads and hearts of their hearers with intricate doubts, often leading them into fuck labyrinths, as they cannot wind them out of; and then the deuill bathmatter to worke vpon : for either he taketh vp their mindes with fuch needlelfe queaions, which hinder matters leading to true picnic : or élfe tnaketh them wauer in the truth, or bringeth themon toopen profanenes,when they lee that euery truth may be called into queflion, andprobably op- pugned ; and fo they care for no truth, as hauingnone to inlft in. Prea- ching is not a tying of knots to vntie them againe , nor a fchoole pro- bleme, but a building vpof men in the obedience of faith and repen- tance. a. Such as tyre themfelues with curious quettions, towhich corrupt natureis very prone in vnfanetified teachers and hearers; and thefeas onprefitakleandvaine as the former : teachers would finde out the equali- ty and inequalitie ofglorie in heauen : would haue vs knowe whether we (hall knowone another in the life to come; would inaru& vs in the yeare and time of ChriP s comming to judgement : would linde vs .out the caufe why God reie techSaul the King, and ele6iethSanl the perfe- cutor.Bur here it were good to remember the woman ofSamariaher au- fwertoChrifl, The welludeepe, andfbane noveffellto cleave with. Hea- rers likewife would faitre knowwhere Mofes hisbodie was buriod;hovw and ,whether Eliás was carried: what God did before the world was made: they will noLonger ;land in the outward court, but prefumptu- oufly with Pompey, thrufl into the fan tow fanCiorum., to prie into Gods fecrcr place : yea although it be fequetlred from the tell, andvai- led, covered , and.fhadowed with the wings of the Cherubins. But let fuch béware they buy not theirprefumption asdeate as he did his: there is danger in climbing, and our leffongiven vs is, not .to be suerwife, but mfe ro fobrietie. It is a fearefull takingOf Gods name in vaine, to take his word to make a ground e4 our owne deuife in things not reueal..ed. It is an high prefumption to feekero dilcouer that whichGod bath: not vttered, wholeglorie it is to keepe fomethings ferret tobitafelfe. In a word,it is a poiwt ofextream folly,wheras the Lord hathdelivered fuck hip