Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpifileofS. PariltoTitus. high things in the Scriptures ro exercife our vnderfiandings ; that (as 699 the ancient fpeake) were we elephants wemight fwimme there; that we (mould leaue theft and waft out otir time in things not reuealed. True it is,that knowledge is profitable,is tweet, and profound : But what then? although it be profitable to warmeamanshands by the fire, it is no wif- dome to thrufl ones hands into the fire ; to vfe the beanies of the Panne is profitable to perfea the fight; but vnleffe we were eagles,to gaze vp- on the bodyof the funne is to detîroy it. So likewife hony is fweer, but we mull fo much the more beware we ease not too much. And there is a knowledgetoo high for Dauid himfelfe:an humble ignorance is an high learning where Godwould not hauevs to know. Now thebetter toreíf-raine our felues herein, z. Labour to fee the Moaues[oale corrupt difpofitionof the bell in thispoint: the deere children of God tne duty, haue had their idle and curious quellions: Daniel aman greatly beloved, Dun.t:s. would be enquiring concerning the ende. The difciples bcw ayed their weakneffeboth before atad after Chrifisdes th,Ioh.8:a.Mafler, who fin- ned, this man or his Parents? whereas Chrifl wifheth them to looke at Gods fcope in all his ae ions,which is his owne glory: fo after his refur- reélion, Lard ,wilt thounow ref ere the k,ingdometo Ifrael? and Peter of John , c,2faler, wbat(hail this man doe? Secondly acknowledging it a fruit ofpride,let vs compofe our hearts to huruilit y , as Dauid , Lord 1 pt,t,,3,,,,a. am not high minded, Iwale not in things too highformet but as a wined child: it is a fpice of pride ofheart to leeme to know more then others. 3. Confider the vnprohtablencf'fe of fuch knowledge , it puffeth vp , it edifieth not; one compared) Inch curious queflions to Cta-fish , which haue more picking then meat. 4.The danger ofir, for herebymen grow 4 to fcorne the fimplicitie of the gofpel,and fo forfeit their faluation,This mother anddaughter we reade of in Libaniur Insane fchoolemalier,who meeting with a Chrillian, asked him in skorne this queflion,1 pray thee Peeing thou holdefl on the carpenters fonne,tel me how he is now occu- pied, what is he doing? TheChriflian enfwered him, he is on iris trade; making a coffin for thy Mailer & fcholler Julian, who !hat haue a call of his office ere long; as a little after Iulian was flaine in battell carried to Antioch in a coffin,and there buried. Note the fearefull ende ofcuriofi- tie in Gods matters. A third fort of teachers offend inwringing allego ties fo farre,as in flead of milke blood commeth, and in _fludying for quaint tearmes,as fit for their meffage as Saulsarmour for Dauid:wher- ás the wifedome ofaHaan ofGod, is to fpeake things agreable to the analogie of faith, and in the flyle of the holy Gholl ; vnleffe any man thinke he can fpeake in a better, which were to take vpon him to teach the Lord to fpeake; or defend that the Scriptures want light to expteffe them-