Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP.?.9. 700 People mn(t not define filch doarine as the M nifter may not tcae!i, a.1 im+3. s 4Commentarie vpon the themfelues. And indeed fuch teaching is in it felfe like force fluffes tiarcht and flrereht,and let out wit fairegloffe, but come to the wea- ringor wetcing,it fhrinkesand fhri es like cohwebs;and in the hearers effedleth an admiration ofthe man , but no fence of the matter: aske common people,what learned youat the Sermon?oh he is aproper man and a good fcholler, and this is all that the moil haue learned: a Mil hire of fuchvaine and vnprofitable things, the worke is confumed before it cortç to the fire. V lie. x. People muff not delire fuch doctrine as Minitiers may not teach. Nature defireth to change paflure often; and the care fo farre as vncircumcifed is Athenian,irching after nouelties: children would be in newe le%ns before the old behalfe learned; fo Chriffians cannot away todwell in that pure do&rinewhich would lead them in true godlincs:' wherebyoftenby the iudgement ofGod,they forfeit their faithful! Pa- flors,and inGods wrath haue hirelings fet over them that feede them with wind: they delire fine wordsand profoundmatter, and are weary ofplaine doitrines; and they haue a pickt language and vaine fpeculati ons,they aske andhaue.But no fooner is Mannaloathed,but quailes are rained, but with vengeance : it is flefh, but a meat that rocteth in the mouth,euen betweene the teeth. Vfe. 3. Inprivace conTereuces man withman avoid thefe vaine que- ilions;that all our privace cómunicatidn may tend toedification:fathers muff teach their children with Abraham in Gods wayes :childrenmull depend vpon their fathers, and aske them offuck things, fee P121.44. 1. Mothers mull teach their young children the Scriptures, asEunicha did Timothie: Mailers offamilies fhould make their families petty fchooles and nurferies ofdivinity : we read how Apollos a great man proceeded a dolor in Aquilaes houle: our priuste houles fhould be Churches or Chappels; therefore fuch idle and vaine queflions fhould find neither timenor place in theftour privace Churches. Verf. t o. ReieEí him that is. anheretike,after onceor Loire admonition. It. Knowing that he that is fuch iáperverted, andfnneth beeingdamnedof his ownejolfe. The fittefl dependance ofthefe words with the former,Iconceiue to be this. Paul hauing exhorted Titus both to teach the truth according togodlines,as alto to relitl all fuchfooiilh andvaine doctrine as might dohurt in the Church ofGod:Titus might obie6l,This indeed is my du- tywherìn I entend toexercife my felfe with diligence;but when Ihaue labouredand doneall I can, many there are whowill not yeeld to the cruth,nor fubmit themfelues to this ordinance ofGod;howam I to car- rie