Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epiflle ofS. Paul to Titus. CHAp.3. so, tie my felfe toward fuch? Anf. The Apoftlecarefull topreuent all fuch thingsas he forefawmight be hurtfiJ to the Church,giueth dire.uion in there twoverfes how to proceede in this bufrneffe alto. The former gi- uingdire6tion and laying downe the duty , and thelatter enforcing the fame by moment ofreafon. In the former are three things to be confi- dered. t. theperfonsagainft whomTitus isto deale , here called here- tikes. 2.Thedireetion howhe is to behaue himfelfe towards them , re- iell them. 3.The orderlymanner ofproceeding, after once or mile admo- nirion.The latter verle containeth the reafon of this fcueritie , becaufe Ouch perfons are incurable and incorrigible: which is prooued by two arguments. t.fuch aone isfubuerted,that is, turned or call off the foun- dation. a.he lînneth againti his own confcience, beefing damnedofhis awn felfe,that is,he wittingly and willingly fpurneth againtl that truth of which his confcience is by the former admonition conuinced. For the fira, vaho is anheretike? r4nfro.He that profellïng Chriff, yet inuétethormaintaineth anyerrouragainft thefoundationofreligi- on,and that with obftinacie.Fortheopening ofwhich defcription three things are tobe noted. Firfî,that an heretike mull profeffe Chrift. For lewes, Tkes,or Pagans cannot properly be Hcrecikes,althooghthey fight againft Chrift and all religion in all the foundations of it. Thefe ate more properly called Heathens,Infidells,and Arheifts without God . in theworld; But the perfon whomTitus bath here to deale withal! , is one within the Church, and call off From foundation upon which hee feemed to Rind. Secondly, he mull maintaine an error in dorclrine (for ifmen erre in pra&ife they are rather hypocrites,andprofane wretches) and this error mull be fundamentall,that. is,ouerturning Come ground or article of our faith : for it will not make a man anheretike ,not to be- lecue the fables ofSaint Francis, although Pope BenedicRer..fodeter- mine. Nay ifa man fhould hold fomething wherein the Scriptures are his aduerfarie, as that an oath is not tobe taken , and warre is not tobe madeby Chrifíians : fuch a one were in a groffe error,but not prefcntly funke into herefie.But ifany man Thal maintaine iutlification by works, a dai}y facrifice for fatisfaetion for finne, or any other righteoufneffeor worke toRand beforeGod in beides Chrih ; the defence of chi will eafilyprooueherefic. And hereby the Popifh doarine is clearely íroo. uedhereticall. Thirdly,this errormuh.be wilfully andobflinatly main- reined; for he mulfreieel admonition, and Brine after conuidtion , and this properly makethan heretike. For euery one that holdeth an her ti- 1y call opinion is not an.heretike: a man may by limplicitie, leuity,or ra - Ines, or gentlenes ofnature be drawne into fuch an opinion : but it ad- monifhtdofhis error he contend not, but is ready to.yeeld vp him- 701 An heretike .lfhngmthree r.Proftffinn. eco' "t!Fa" nne. Ambr. a.Gror(e crn >r 3.Obftinaeir; A'indefil =r: us ù r^ccisalenedd hx. e<.. A"hdnft de vtil, í xonorat. r _rndi ad felfe,