Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP. 3.10. L4Commmeatarie vpon the box felfe to the perfwaConef truth, he is noheretike. For thefe three things makevpan heritike, terror. 2.cousié}ion.3.obflinacieor weddednes to his opinion. Anhull}, im Hence fir(t note by the way , what an heauy thing we charge him !mutt ton ce with, whomwe brand with the title ofan heretike : for we charge him chaise any man to bean hero to be one who re(teth not in the wholefumeword,but mainiaiueth futh tiko. an error ashath turnedhim offhis foundation : one that contemnech the iudgernent of the Church, defpifeth wholefome admonitions: continu- eth in his damnable opinion again(} the light ofhis winde, againfTthe check and acculationof his confcience; andbeeing condemned ofhim- felfe,heapeth vp finne vpon finne : All which cenfure if we (hall haflily paffe,we (hall hardly auoid rafh iudgemenr:for ifeuery error in diuinitv Hrrare pe«um, prefencly made an heretike,theApoflles themfelues had been no other nT ¡"" `° r` thenheretiks, who at flirt were fo erronious and ignorant in many things ofthe greate(t moment in religion. What a falle witneffe then , bath that Apoflate ChurchofRomepar fed againft ours, and ail the reformed Churches ; whole teachers inall their fermons andwritings ! ylevs by no other name then herecikes? whereas they cannot {hewwherein they haueconuinced vs to haue de- parted from the Catholike and Apoflolike faith: and much lefTe that we banewithpertinacie, andagainft our ovine confcicnces maintained any falfehood. Indeed ifour rule be their Canon law ( which iudgeth him an heretike who fpeakech againft the Romi(h Church, or obeyeth not whatfoeuer the Pope decreeth) we cannot auoid that name. Or if we fhould teach(as they dee,and that after conuiétion) that the Saints in heauen are mediators by their merit and prayer : that prayer is to be made toSaints and deadmen ; that we can be iufti6ed by tine merit of our workes,by fafling,prayer,pilgrimage,orany fuck obferuance; that concupifence is no finne in the regenerate, that a man can perfectly ful- 1 fill the law : that Saint Dominif¿,e performedmore miracles then Chrift, land all his Apoflles,and was far greater then lohn Baptill : we could not auoidbut be herecikes indeed; becaufe three and a number Inch are conrradiítory to the canon ofthe Scriptures,reuerle the foundation of religion,and yet are obilinatly defended by them. To cT,areea And further,let men feehence how inconfideratly they caft thenames man tobea ofolde heretiques to the blemi(hing of the lines and waies of many cii'maibe. godly andworthy men : as when Chriftianand religiousmen are tear- mike. tried by the name of P« ritAns, an auncient fea ofheretikes,with whom thefe hauebut fmal acgnaintance.T'he likemay we fay ofthat reproach- full ticltc ofSchifmatikes, who quickly degenerate into heretikes, who rent the coste of Chrift, and make diuifion in the Church: fometimee for