Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CI-IA.7.38iO 70} Caufas ofhe- rcfie. Ad hoe Punt harctès yr fides habendo tenta. conemhabeat & proba cloné. Terrul de pra- ferip.adverf. h erec.cap.r, it Jóartaot, 3 a.Thefra. 4 Pee ens quiet- tit fiam difeerp. fcrunr,refta fi. dei dogmata e. ,erferuncEna. grüb.t.cap.& cf1 Commentarie vpon the tares came vp with the good feed in the feild of the Lord. The reafons ofthis dotirine are , Ftrfl, fo long as the taules of heretic remaine , it (elfe mull needs continue : but the caufes (hall be and euer haue bin in the Church ; and chefeare ignoranceofGod , prideof heart, felfe con- ceit;; ouerweeningof gifts, want of loue to Chrifi and his truth ; Sa_ tans malice, ambition coueroufneffe, flattery, and many moe: in a vrord,fo long as there is amixtt.te between good and badde , there will befight between them. Secondly , the Lord in his prouidence fuffreth falle prophets and heretiks to rife vp among his people,to procue& try them, whether they will cleauevnto him or no :Deut.a;. ;.they are the Lords fannebrought into his Hoare, ro feparate between the faithfull and vnfaithfull : whereby the wicked fall off, as beefing thrufi away from the Lord, vert. 7. and the godly , who are by Satan and his inflruments accufed to be hypocrites,are manife fled found at the heart,and faithfull to the ende. So the Apoflle, r. Cor. 11. t 9. There mußbeherefrer, that thofe whoareapproouedof God, may beleeowne: he faith not it is poflible, but neceffarie that herefies be, as lire to trie andpurge the gold. Thirdly, the Lord in his iuflice punifhethby fuch thecontempt ofhis truth, and the carelesand vnaffeEled intertainernent ofhis word.For iufily are men whowill not receiue the truth in the loue ofit ,giuen oucr toflrongde's- Font in thebelceuing oflies.IfChrifi and hisGofpel cannot be receitfed, Antichrifi(when hecommeth with all lying wonders,and preuailing er- rors) (hall. If the truth in Michas mouth be contemned, 400. false Pro. phets (hall preuailewith their lie. So haue we feene that where a faith- full Pallorbath beene lightly let by,the Lord bath one wayor other re- mooued him,and after his departure fent in fame mrieuous Wolfe or o- Ìcher, that bath notfpared the flocke. Fourth! ,the wifdome of God per- micteth it:for although it feetne topoifonvtterly anddefiroy the truth; yet indeed hetu.rneth it to the clearingand confirmingofit,ìt beeingan occafion that the truth is further lifted into ;that as fparkles i(fue outof the¡hiking ofcwoflints together, fo the truth dilcuffed and difputed, becommeth more lightfome,and more vitiorious: yea the gold corn- meth no brighter our ofthe fire,then the truthoutelche triall of oppo_ fition and contradialon. Pfe. r. WhenfoeuerSathan according .to his accufìomed malice a- gainfl finceritie flirreth vp any troubles to flay the courfe ofthe Gofpel, to obfcure the (pining brightneffeofGods glory,and to bring confufi- on into the moll wife orders, andordinances ofGod ,then the Lord fo onerruleth the matter,as that he aiwaies bringeth light outofdarkenes, glorifiech himfelfe,purgeth his Hoare, proouethhis people, quicknerh theirzeale, and trained) them in humility and obedience. Let vs not then