Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epi file ofS. Par dto Titus. then bedifcouraged,ifour eyes fee many trials,and in them many fal off, 705 if we fee the truth oppugned, dodtrines of hbertie broached , backed, and zealoufly maintained:for furely,alchough the Lord herein may iuß- ly corre& our manifeß contempt ofthe truth,yet can he nor,nor wil for- get his owne glory. 2. We ought to be fo farre from troubling or hindring , as that wee mua affe&t,pray for,and to our power procure the peace of Ierufalem: yea fo farre herein to lraine our felues,as that only peace and truthmay abide vndiuorfed. But well faith one, that bee who hath magnified his truth about' all things, Pfalm.138. a. bath alto aduanced it above peace. 3. Vfemeanesto auoide heretic, and keepe out of the degrees of r canesrna. fucha dißaßfull fruit of the flefh, Gal. 5. io. The cheife of thefe means noid herdic. are, 1.To lay thy ground in hmmilitie, which onely cuttethoff conten- a tion, the eldeßdaughter ofpride, and bath the promife to be tau;ht in theway. a.Tobe diligent in the hearing and reading, but efpecially in obeying the word; for this is the ready way to attaine and containe thy Plalss.g felfe within the bounds of truth, Ioh.7.1 7. !fanyy man willdoe his will, he titrarum (ball knowwhether thedo,/rivebe of God , and whether I fpeake of my felfe, ¡ °npain re. And whofoeuer embraceth the counfell andwifedome of the word, he fes walkech fafely, and his foote (hall not Rumble, Prou. 3. 21. a 3. where ;lá Lazy O. note, with what confcience any Papi I dare fay, that the Scriptures are the caufes of heretikes. Thirdly , to grove vp in the affeófing and 3 lone to the truth : for fo (halt thou grow in the hatred of fallhood: PÎal 1 r 9.t t 3.Dauid had neuer come to fuch an hatred of vaine inuenti- ons flit had not berne forhis ungular loue veto the la we. Fourthly, be- ware ofherecicail bookcs and company :for thou canflhardly get good Patriarch ha out niche former; and as hardly doe good voto the latter; but moil ea- lily recciueharmefromeither;bothof them beeing leauen and infeeti- Asinfee-ww, ous.The like may he laidof Rickingveto Philofophy in matersoffaith:wg'nan floor, for euen this will eauly breede an hcretilte. Fiftly,contenc thy felfe with 5 thy eßate and portion, be it more or leffe, couetoufne(fe and ambition This Mr,Até.e have throwne dowse a great number ofthe liars of heauen , from their s mca ife're in formedhine,andbeene the feedesofmoßheretics , as inEccleuaßicall theperhv eon Roryappeareth :yeainour deyes not afwehauegrowneintodiflikeof aid,TteP eáe theireßate;who in hope of betterpreferment ,hauebetaken rhemfelues ground of his Tinto the hereueofPopery ,and therewithhaue drunke in all manner of ontoÑic°úe. deadly poifons;that treafons,parricides,murderof kings, blowing vp of laud,andbe. whole(lates; withalilochdefperateattempcs ,aremoßrefolutelyvnder eomeaPreii;. taken,snd as vnnaturally aéled by them. Now having cleared the 6rli point who arehcretikes,we come to the fecond CHAP.3. i0. M. Greena.^t.