Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP. 3.10. vlCommentarie vpon the 706 fecond, namely,howTitus mu(i Barriehimfelfe towards them: and that is, he mud after ore: or twife admonition reiel them. Now becaufe ad- monition is Ertl in nature and order of proceeding though it be not fo whacsamoni. in the placingoldie words, we will confider of it fomew hat in die frfi tic belongs to place. And firfi it will be demanded, what kiude of admonition this is?I .nhsrtukc. anfwer,that this is notmeant of that private admonition,wherunto both private Chritlians and the Minifler as a Chriflian are bound towards thofe that erre, and are knowne fo to doe; but of that pwblibe admoni- tion in the face ofthe Church,which is a ferrant and makethway ro the publike cenfureofexcommunication. For it maketh way to the Chur- ches reie&ion offiicha ore , as the next verle fbeweth incurable, both becaufe he is cart off the foundation , asalto is condemned of his owne confcience. Further,this admonition mud be onceor twife, namely,when the Pallor bath privacly conferred with him for the conuittion of his conlcience,and admonifhed him to the reuoking ofhis wicked error: if now he dill (land our, then generai! warning is to be giuen two feuerail Sabbaths, offuck an offender in the congregation , not yet natning the perfon , or caufe in particular, but threatning the fentence ofcxcomtnu- nication,vnles the delinquent come in in the meane time,and yeeld him- (elfevnto the truth.And thus (hall he fee that all gentle and good means arc vied withhim, before the Church dcfcend to fuch a grieuous cen- lure. Obieli. But Chrill requireth three admonitions,Mattb. t 8. r7. why Both the Apoille vrge but two: yea Paul himleife admonifhed the Church ofthe Corinths three times, a.Cor. 13. s. this se the third time. Artfw. Tholeplaces fpeake of the proceffe ofprivate perlons in private offences , which goeth before the publikc notice and proceediug of the Church. a. Paul dealeth by Epiflle in a louing and fatherly manner , and prefcribeth not to theChurch how toproceed in their publike centures. 3, To filch queflions offaál, forthe manner ofproceffe, much is left to the wifedomeand judgement ofthe Church ; which may fo proceede as may make moil for the good of theparty;and mayvfe twoor three ad- I monitions at their difcrecion : but fo asadmonitions mud not be multi- plied (as we lay) totiei vioties, neither on theother hand mud be vnder the number oftwo,for twomull be the leafs. Eucnheretikes Da£t.Hence we learnt that cuco heretikes and enemies to the church and Church to mud be tenderly and louingly dealt withal!, fo long as there is any hope the Church Y :i Y Y P mull be lotting- that they may be gained and wonne. Neither muff they be leuerely or ly dealt with. fuddenly proceeded againft by theChurch, but vpon due warning and t chrearning. For herein , r. the Church beeing the daughter of God,, 2 f43all referableGod himielfe; who full admonifheth before he tirike. a. the