Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

GHAP.3:TO. cí1Cowment46e vponahe 7o8 him, let him alone to Gods iudgement;what hope is there inwaffling an Ethiopian ? tobuild one that is can fromhis foundation, were to hang anhäufe in the aire; and thereforevnleffe thou cane hope that bee who will not yceld to the voiceof the Prophets andAponles , will yeelde to thy private perfwafion , meddle not at all withhim. But as I noted in the former point, there is more included in the precept ; which is to be extended ro a tnotepubh6ze reieflion ofan incurable perfon who will re- aa, tT. ceiue nogood;but is likely todoemuch hanne in theChurch by infefti- on ifhe be fuffered. And this the word notech,which properly fignifieth tobe drawee out ofa titleas an outcan: and tranfla:ed to the Church to betoken thecaning out of a man by excommunication; or a cutting him off from the focietie ofthe Chureh.Aud whereas there are two de- grees of excommunication; the former fcparating from all brotherly focietic with themembers ofthe Church: and the latter cuttingofffrom toh :ra.z:°° the bottle ofChrill : which is nothingelfe but that fearefull anathema, éaoorra}mycir and curfe pronounced bytheChurchagainßhim, who is difcerned to haue finned again(} the holy Gho(t. The former of chele two is Nile meant, calledof old, a thrufing out ofthe fyit,agogue ; and is a caning out ofan obfiinate firmer out of the eompanic and communion ofbolee. uers, who arc the membersof Chri(t: and this is the cenfure which he- rerikes are liableveto. Qeit. Who mutt eteoidethem ? Anfre. The wholeChurch, but efpe- cially theParlors, lean their remifnefe or familiaricie with fuch make the people morebold with them ; for it- is mecte that the whole Church fhould haue knowledge,,approbation, and content in that which con- cerneth the whole. Qi reline in -Cuefi. But how farce mu(l they be auöided? e/forw. Our Sauiour ty°ttlrigrca'i weWet h:ingenerall Ivlarth.18.7. when he conuuandeth vs to account ebantur reliri- onisobtentu; Inch as will not beare theadmonition of the Church, as Publicans, who `c °Acam `n e' ellsCommune' wereknowne by the nameof finners:and'wicked men, Luk. ts. a. or as vitæconUtctu. Sam.rritanes, with whomthe Iewean:eddiednot, Ioh.4.9. and thereaoon dinem.sabcrcnt was Invaure they wereherecikes : 2.Kin t Vnto this.da the doe Bcza, Y " g 7 3 }' }' after theolde manner;they neitherfeare God, nor doe after their ordinance:, nor after their coo Tomes, nor after the ¡atee , nor after the Commaundenent tuteQhttszxPl` which the Lord conomaunded. The Apoflles more efpecially in.fundrie meth the caufe of thiscon :em- particulars expreffe the nature of this cenfure, 2. Theft: 3. 6. Wilh- elm hetwecne theloves and 'drauaeyourfelues fromeatery one- -- T.Cor.ç.ir.with ftcheatenos: 2. Iola. Sa,raritages3 so. receireenotfachintoyourbout, nor brdhimgoodfperde.. Inw.hicb .laces whidh was tntift hoteabout 4{o. although it feeme, that filchper fons are to beevcterly cati out of every 4'y.:ares afore Chriflians af3`e6tione as chofe who; are iuttly tobe hated and reicbted, ' Chnitltb.aoti. ga4.c.6. and.to whomcommon humanity feemeth not to bcdue fromChri(ians;. yet