Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

T Epif?kofS. PadtoTitris. C:aaer,3.1o, yet múfl we obferue herein fundrie cautions, ifrightly we will concciue yog' of ir. For r. this cenfure infringeth not any ofchebonds of eltilll right and Excommunies. focietie; but that an cxcomniunicate Magifiraterernaineth a Magiftrate 1171h,7117 1.161, andmuff of thChriftians be fo acknowledged, and all fuch offices x performed him as are due to a Magill rate. Thus Ambrofe obeyed Theo- dofiur whom and when himfclfehad excommunicated: Yea, Chrift hint - felfe and his Apo[lles willingly obeyed the heathenifh and perfecuting Emperours.This cenfure then maymake them as iseathens,and noChri- (liaus;but not as no Magiftrates. z. An excommunicate perfon is not loafed from the bond of corn- i mon hurnanitie ; but entry thingmutt be mini (lredvnto !itch a one,as is neceffary for the preferuingof his life : Rom. r z. so. If thine enemie' hunger, Lime him raeate , andifhethirf, gifts him drinve. Hence is it law-' full to fell him commodities, and confequently to buy ofhim , andbar- gainewith him : and ifhe be before partner withvs in any ciuill buff -' netle, as in matter of inheritance,trull, orcomrroditie, we are not by I this cenfure loofed fr6 that fellow(hip, which is nonearer then we may and do contra&with veryflrangers. I fay not nowwe may contra& fa- miliarity with him as a friend,but fellowthip as beeing a man of our own ' mold. Obiell. 2. Iota. to. Bidhim Prot good fpeed, which is the leaf} u, xrdtxlvectsa.: curtefie we can (heave any man : and , i. Cor. ;. g. Paul wifheth the Corinths not to mingle themfclaaes with fornicators. effnfro. In the for- mer place it isno part of the Apoflesmeaning, that Chrifliaas fhould Phew themfelues any way vnciuill or inhumane, whole carriage mull be fuck towards offenders as may winne them,rathcr then fec them further off:but would not haue them fo courteoufly to falute filch a one as a fa- , miliarorfremd,but rather as a tiran cr,leaf} they (hould feense any way CO giue the leaft approbation vnto their errour. The latter place is to be vnder(lood ofprivateand familiar contradls allo in friendly facie- ; tic, which filch open (inners are to be debarred of, !call they bee made more obftinate in their finne: and chus in the verles following the Apo- (lle expoundeth himfelfe, withfilch an one cate not. And if we (hould (}retch the place to morenecctfariepublikc contras in bargaines( be- tides many other inconueniences whichwe might name) wee fhotrid hereby come too neare that Papi(1a pofition; that faith, promifes, and ', oaches arc not tobekept with hererikes;who haue right to all ciuil equi- tie from vs, for although they remainenot brethren,yet remaine they ci- tizens. 3. This cenfure looleth not the bands of naturali right; but fuch as 3 are of the family inconfanguinity or affinirie mutt performe all duties to j Y y 2 filch