Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP. 3.10. t1Commentarie upon the 710 fuch a one, which fucha relatios;t huh made his due. The husband to the wife, and the wife to the husband: the child co the father, and the fa. Cher to the child: the feruant to the mailer, and the mafter to the feruant: the kinfman to the kinfman : nay in theee nearer focieties, euen that entire famüiaritie, which the auncient afcribed to the identitie of three things, namely the !wife, thebedde, and the table, muil not bee de- nied of chofe from whom it was due before this cenfure : for hee that was a brother bcfore,remainech a natural,although not a Chtiftian bro- ther. 4 4. This cenfure loofech not thebands of all fpirituall focietie, but xxcommuujca that notwich¡landing ic,we may and mull r. loue the excommunicate in noneotttisdteá- the Lord. 2. adtnonilh and rebuke him.. 3. pray for him, though not mentis,fed me. with him. 4. vpon his repentance , receiue him like a brother as be- djci fananti,. tixcommunica. fore.. tion from what eft. I. Wherein then flandeth this reparation ? Anfre. I. From all ¡charms ama, chofe fpirituall good things which the Lord communicatech in the One chtife end Church, as the word, facrameuts, prayer; for theee are holy things, and ofthtctnrche, thepriuilcdges ofche faithful!, ourof whole faciet:e the other beeiag centurcc is co preferueholy cafeout, they are as Twine, to whom fuch holy things may not be cafi,& chjngsfrorn as dogges, to whom the childrens breadbelongeth. Obieíi. But if you contempt. (hut them from the word, you Barre them from the meanes of their re pentance. ,v?nfia1. Both theword, and the natureofthe cenfurefhutteth themout of the Congregation of Gods people, and the prat-life of the auncient Church, which fuffered them not toenter within the doores of the church.The Iewes permitted not the Publicans in their fynagogues, but accounted them as Heathen; neither would A+n6rofe fuffet 7heodeß- us the Emperour while hce was excommunicate, to enter into the Church ofMilleyne.But that now fuch perlons are admitted co haare the word,ic is by an indulgenceof the Church, which I will not now ¡land to examine. 2 a. From familiar conuerfe in the outward life, fo farre as neceffarily wee arc not bound veto them: as in the examples of the Primiciue Church I could beplentifull, both in teachers and in beleeuing Chrifti ans. Famous is the praóuile of Iohn the Euangelifl towards Cerinthus when he found him in thebath, andof Polycarp towards the heretike Etill ad Florin. Marcion; who as Ireoeus ceftifieth, would flue from the place where the &Rufeb.lsc.ty heretike hoodor fatc,as fail ashe could, leatl he fhould hcare any here- Reafons a ticali (peaches. uosd cxcommu nicatc perfons. Now the reafons why we are thus to auoide the excommunicate, are the pat éy,dof chele. a. That the offendermay be brought to foundneffe of repen-- x ranee: for whacfoeuer power is giuen to the Pallors and Churches, is Ins diuinua quod eft ex gra. tia, noncolla jus humanum quod elf ex na- torah tationc. Tho.Aquin'.a, gwdì.to.art.n. gioco