Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpifiteofS.Paul to Titla. Cat.P.3.io giucn to edification, and not for def}ru&ion, a. Cor, to. 8. And there- 711 fore fuck an offender mut}, t. haue his confcience terrified, by beeing i deliueredveto Satan: that is,raft out of the Church t out of whichSa.. tan ruieth, and fettetb vp his throne, :. Another ende in regard of the a partie, is to flame him, both by the ptib'ike rebuke of the Church in proceeding againfi him; as allo theauoiding of him as one ofanother foaietie : 2.Theft. 3. 14. Withdraweyaurfeluet_- -that he maybe afhamed. 3. Toworke forrow in him for his finne, for thedetrnoîion ofhúflefr,and 3 flethly corruption, which is theground of true repentance : fee 1. Cor. S. S. 4.To effe& a defire robe reconciled firfi vino God, and then voto a theChurch, againfi whichhe lath offended. And thus, 5. hisfpirit (hall 5 befaced in the day of the Lord. a. There arc ocher reafons in regardof the Church. Firfl,in general!, ,. in regard of that it heare not ill, as a maintainer ofvile perlons : and much leffe as if the Church. it Celle were a finite or flieof filthy twine ; whoprofeffe themfelues wa- fhed by the iuf}ification ofChrif},and the fan& hcationof the fpirit.The Apofilc Paul aimeth at this, t .Cor. S. r. It iscertainely heard that there is fornication amongyou: and maketh this bad report the firel ground of their proceeding again!} the incefluous perlen , as though he had Paid, thefe things ought not to beheard amógfi you,no not oncenamedamong EPht.3. Chritlians, Secondly, in refpe61 of the 1peciall members. r. That they maybe fate from the infeaiou of fuch open andobflinate wicked ones: ngo Parcon. which is alto the Apollcs reafon, a. Cor. ç. 6. little icaraenfowreth thewhole lampe : a little tparkiekindleth an vnquenchable flame : a little pitch defileth the whole man, yea their verieword,(andmuch more their conuetfation) creeper!, and corruptethac a gangreene. Worthy is it here worth our remenabring , how when the Emperour Theedofiue fenior zoaomt.7,c.v, was defirous toconferre withEunomim the Arrian Thihoppe, his wife Placilla the Emprelffc very earnefily diffwadcd him, leaf} he beeing peruerted by his fpeaches, fhould beginne to like of his heretic. 2. zp¢oycom- Leaf} partakingwith his finne,he should allo partakeof his punifhment; munio, as all Ifrael did forAchan: one rotten member not cut elf, endangerech thewhole bodie,and chreatneth perlilto the whole. The iniumlion of Mofes bath here place, Departfrom the tents of therewicked mon,and touch Numb.to.z6. nothingof theirs, !calfyou peri /hire all their linnet. : For examples fake, 1.Exempiimo- leafi anyof the rei grow to the likeboldneffc, and obf}inacie in finite; nicío* but rather by luch feparation be terrified therefrom: r.Tim,5. 20. 'Them thatfinite openly, rebukeopeny ,thatthereflalfomayfeare. All which endes beeing fonecefiarie, as by the Scriptures theyappeare to be,we fee what amaime it is in any Church , when this rodde is either not vied, or not. aright. Z'y 3 Qe(p: