Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP.3.Io. LeiGox+rmentarie Vpon the 712 QeJt. But whethermay privateChrifflans auoid an open notorious Howfarrepti. firmer, before the Church haue reieEìed him ? or what mufiwe doe , cafe Cheifkians are to auoid o. while the Church winketh , and will not doe her dutie in calling them pen ?inners not our ? e/Íifw. We may and ought to auoide the familiar focietie of ieor-' occonmtunicatc t.Cor.rat, nets , and open wicked men for the former reafons, euen before the Church haue catt them out but not as excommunicate perfons, or members cut off; that we abtiaine from the word and Sacraments be_ cauïe of fuck, vntill the Churchhaue call themout: for clfe a way is eafly beaten and paced to Schifine and rafh feparation. And if the Churchdoe not (as the ought) cut off fuck rotten members ; yet is no doore opened to perfonall excommunication, teeing this cenfure is the common afionof the whole Church, and not of any private perfon, or perfons. We mull then beare them as we doe feftered members with paineand forrow, yea and complaints to fuck as can helpe vs : but not breake our patience for that which our (clues cannot, and others will ze ?ppolit.ec- not cure for vs. And thus (as one very well anfwereth the like cafe) clef t'". 5. !hall we beblelíed even in hungring and thiriiing after rightenufneffe; and the finite fhall not lic at our doores, but where it is committed and abetted. it isfswfnitto .Qef. But it feemeth if heretikes.mull onely be auoided,that it is not put herceilecs lawful! to tt them to death. .4nw This beingamatter offa6ì is moil co death. pt f properly belonging to the Ciuill Magiftrate : who wifely conlidering both of the qualitie of the perfon offending; as if hebe a leader,a fedu cer, or wilful! in his error; as allo of the degree of his offence anderror, ific be a diref ouerthrowe of the foundation, or an high blalphemie, or Inch as may turne to the ouerthrowe ofpure religion efiablithed,or the difturbamce ofpublikepeace , or otherwileaccording to the nature of. the faél, may and ought to proccede to a proportionable degree of pu_ niflment : whether by mulas, or imprifonment, or banifhment, yea in the extremitieof euiil, to the extreame remedie, cuco of death it felfè: for there is no remedie, but if a fore prooue a gangrene it mull be cut off. Errores interfi. True it is, that the charitie of theChurch muff aime at thecutting off Cendi non `'o. of errors, rather then mens erfons : but if thenature of theerror fo re- mines.Augult, p quire, euen the latipunithment by death, as it is in the hand of the M.a- Duraiavincrn giftrate, fo will it be molt lull andproportionall. That it is in the pow- ï,iuizUC11 er of the Magifirate to cut off incurable and inuincible heretiks is cleare: r. byprecept, Deut.r 3.5. of flaying the falfe Prophet t and Deut.17. S. offeoding the idolater. a. by exßmple: of Mofes, Exod. áa.35. flaying 3000. ofthe Leuites far the idolatrie of the calle : ofHelix, s.King.13. 46. who flew400. of Beals Priefls when there was no Magiftrate to do it:i