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EpifileofS. Paulto riras. CHAN3.zo. fo ofIotas, a.Kin.z3.6.of Iehu, z. King. ro. 5. yea wicked Debut- 71.3 chadnezzar made a decree , that whofoeuer blafphemed Daniels God (hould die the death. The famemight eafily be prooued out of Imperi- ali Conti itutions and ittdgcments ofFathersandCouncelis. Now that this is the fitte(l punifhmeot for Tome heretikes, we may Vows Chrittia- gatherbytheinu ance of Arriue, whomConfla,,ti,re the great tra Sam`ofate indeed: but howmuchbetter had it been,: for theworld, if he had taken hrredeum ope fuch :a mon{ler from the face of the earth ? how much better had that ' A Impera. fparkle beenwith himfelfe extinet, before it had come to fez the whole tordnani qi' uan va world on fire. a and if he that reuileth his Prince deferueth death as a trai- `d, °'ci implo' suit. tor, howmuch morehe that blafphemeth the name ofGod, or any part ofhis truth. Obiell. But Chri{l biddeth vs beware of falfe Prophets,but not to flay Mat.7.t ;. them, yeawi(heth to fuffer both to grows together till the harucli. And Paul neuer giueth other commandement concerning them,then to auoid their., andwithdrawe our felues from them. And 4lnfcsduo expounding Non dickvt the place,in r.Cor.5.concerning the incefluous perfon,hath there words, ;°,d r .dè bee commaundeth not to bill him but to remooue him from among mtdio vcftrum. Mu foul. them. eArnfw. a. Some fuch places are inch precepts as xre direeled vnto Apoftolun, the Churches, whole weapons are fpirituall, and bath no fuch power of former quomo. do fe gc:ac ín life anddeathotter the bodie or outward man. a. Some other inflitute offtioerga hue. and informe the Paufors of the Churches how to cartie themfelues to- rcricumdeplo. wards inch offenders as this inhand,and the like toTimoth but intend ratum:fi a y, goon Pauldm s u not to fpeakeany thing of the Magi(lrates duck. So Bollinger affrrmeth ourpr disc that here Paul enformethTitus, and not SergiusPaulus, how to carrie himfelfe towards an incurableand delperare heretike. 3. There precepts cIcnui. dupGbio lf præ- at riff. were deliuered, when there was no Chriflian Magifirate, to perform the c,um araliny. dutie,andtherfore the Churches were more carefully vrged vnto theirs, deead.r.ferm.ß. In regimme 4. They muff all be vnderliood with refpe&, r. ofthe qualityof the hunranoalíqua p erfonsandoffenceswhichmuffbediflinguiihed. z. of the Church, as malarcetctot. terantur,ne vet whether filch tares can be plucked vp without apparant hurt of the alqua bonaim. Church; for elfe theymuff be let {land: and fo mutt that place be meant, pciantur,vel n:ala peion ín. leaflyee alfoplaclZe -up thegood wheat : and this is agreeable allo to the currantur.Aq.Z. doe-trine of theauncient; who aduifed rather to tolerate force lefìer e- t'4""r`*". trill, then that a greater good fhould be hindered, or a greater cull! oc- cafioned. `Ufe. r. 'Seeing excommunication is fuch a grtiuoiis ceníure,it is not Excommunica- tobe infliked rafhly,or for trifles;but deliberately in matters ofwaight tine muffnot and muchmoment; yeaheauily, and not without inward griefe,that the brfln5'ftedfor Church is vrged to filch feueritie. For, r. if it be a gricuous thing tobe Y 4 disfraun-