Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP. 3.1o. t4 commentsrie upon the 714 disfraunchized and cafl out ofa wel ordred commonwealth; howmuch more to be cart out of theChurch& the commówealth of Ifrael, Which made Come ofmind, that this cenfure is not to be vied but in fuch cafes, as wherein the Iewifb lawe condemned co the death : the which firi&nes (in that itmay feeme to confound the Iewilh Iudicial law,withEuange- licall difcipline) howfoeuer I will not maintaine;yetfurely as Weal's, well noteth, I think it ought not tobe vied but in fuch cafes as more ex- preflely (hut out of the kingdomof heauen,and Inch as the Apofilemen- Dcelaratinoc. tioneth, I. Cor. 6. becaufe it is a declaration of that which is by God euhiorisfafki done in heauen,who for a non apparance, or not paimencofa trifling fee in eal o. Reza de prz'oyc& thrufteth not out ofheauen. Secondly, is mull be vied as a 1a(ì and de- eíceom fperate remedie; euen as the Surgeon trieth all gentle meanes before Ian- ; ¡ cing, fearing, or cutting off. Thirdly, it muff be done with griefe and forrowof the whole Church, euen as a member in thebodie cannot bee r.cor.s.:. cut off without extreame paine to the whole. This is a fitter affection then anger,couecoufneffe,or any other fuch fordid and bate felf-Peeking, 4 in difpenfing the judgementsof the Lord. Fourthly,it mull bedone ve.. ry (paringly inwifedomeand moderation , whereof we haue a notable patterne iu the Churchof Gencua, wherein fuch was the power of the Ineccldie Ge. word, andwifedomeof thePaliorsinrelloringoffenders by the fpiritof neucnri sot° decennio non meekenelfe; that in the fpace ofwhole tenne yeares(asM. Beza himfelfe plums duobus confelfech) onely two perlons were firicken with this cenfure. Now of proprieexcom numean.Beza the fearefull abufe ofthis cenfure;whereby it is daily turned into an idle dtPrzsb. (car- crow,fold and bought at a vile price, I needenot fpeake any thing, Peeing the thing it (elfe fpeaketh fo loud: would God it were as well re- formed, as it is by a number of the godly learned difcouered. Vfe. 2. Ifherecikes mini be auoided, then it followeth, that Prote- liauts ought to auoide all communionand mixturewith heretical Chur- ches & perlons: & namely with that hereticall and Apoflaticall Church of Rorne,and themembers of ir. To prooue it an hereticall Synagogue no mittgo. I' (hall not need to fpend time after thofe two famous lights, our learned 6.tap43. D. whit ikerr, and Reynolds: the former of whom hath prooued that the prefent Church of Rome is no particular Church, but hereticall, and o- uerturning the foundation and grounds of faith, as by eighteenefeueral lteaensRoma- points he infiancetb andconcludeth that whofoeuer would bee (cued na eotlefia la- borat peflifcra mull neccffarily forfakeher as an.antichriftian and Satanical fynagogue. `"i°bSCef"m The other inhis fifthThetisofhis learned booke defendeth, that the Re- gangrena,per. , nus ante wet. mane Church isneither Catholikg,nor afoundmember ofthe Catholik,ÇChurch: guava verfum Icons 8c long, in explaining the marines whereof, hoe faith that the newe Romano pl scrimoras 5. Church is tainted with a gangrene of moll pellilenc herches, which P;ba tte °" euery way fpreadeth further and further, and fubuerteth the faith ofve- ry 1