Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epi flleofS. PadtoTitus. rie many : and concludech, that nootherwife then the contagion of the molt mortal! difeafes, as theplague,or leprofie, or fuch like, euen fo the infection of Popery is as diligently to be (punned of all the faithful!. This truth out of the mouches of fuch two worthywitneffes wemay the better beleeue,not only for the ftrength ofarguments they haue vfed,as yet vngainefaied by any aduerfary ; but alto in that we haue force ofher owne childrenconfefffng her themother ofall herefies. I will not light a candle to the funne in the former point,but briefly flame wherein efpe- cially they are tobe auoided; and that for moreperfpicuicy in two que- ilions. Quef. The former, whether Popifh religion may be tolerated in a countrieprofeffing the truth of Chriflian do&rine , as ours by Gods bleffi ng cloth ? 1 anfwer , No, if by any lawfull meanes it may be bani- (hed.For beeing an herefie which r.difanulleth the deathof(Thrift. a.a- bolitpeth the humane natureofChrift. 3.dearoieth the fubftance ofche Sacraments. 4.taketh away the blareof the cleft ofGod. S,the honour ofthe Sonne of God fitting at his Fathers right hand. 6.aimoll all reli- gion, ( all tbefe beeing the expreffe words of D. Reynolds, and prooued in that thefts) it followeth, that it may not be buffered in a countrie whichcan abolifh and cafl it our. For, s. Euery wor(hipmur+ be Curable tohim that is wor(hipped. Ifhe be diuine, fo mutt it : if he be ciuill,it mutt alto be ciuill : if be be Pimple, pure,without mixcure,fo mull that worfhipwhich is or can beaccepta- ble vnto him. a. We knowout ofche word, that Samaritane wor(hip (when men will feare God,but wor(hip him according to the rices of the countrie, 2. King.17. vIt.)was euer hateful! to God ; who will not haue his field of theChurch (owne with diuerfe feeds , nor plowed with an oxeand an affe. The Iewes meddle not with the Samaritans, but mutt hate the workes of the Nicolaitans. And indeed to halt be- t iveen two, to be neither Gods nor Baals, is to be of no religion at all: and the Church of Laodicea fheweth,, that the Lord can neuer digett. two contraries neuer fowel mixed or wifely tempered in matter ofreli- gion. 3. The approbation and bleffing ofGod on thofe kings gouern- ments,and Churches,whowent through - flitch inpulling downe all the high places : as Dauid, Salomon , Flezekiab. But memorablewas the. worthyaet of lofia , whomade a couenant before the Lord , and called all the inhabitants of lerufalem, the Priefis, Leuites , and all the people from the fmalleft to the greatell,and caufed them all to Eland to it. See a.Chro.34.31.adfv.But whereas others,orherwife good Kings,are re- proouedand blemi(hed,becaufeeither they left the high places flan. ding,and proceedednot toa through reformation; as Afa,1..Kin. 15.14. Or CHAP.3.IO Permeß en vea habitant,. bur,idcirco Se fidelium ealtris enterminanda. Pagty; Toleration ofa dicers religion is vnlawfutl in a countrey whichcancan it out,and con. iequently of Popery, Real. The tabernacle of God had the eenfer,fniefers, and befome to purge Sc (weep away the filth ofthe fannua. tie: all which haue their truth in the Churchofthe new tenement. a 3