Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAn.3.la. 716 a.Chr.t7.6. cap.t9.a. The Lord will haue the droffe taken from the Gluer that there man be a pot for the finer. I 2 Luk.aa.r. A Commet tarie vpon the Or if they did fully reforme their country, yet that they didnot fo zealouflyhate Idofatty,but that they would enter into league and affi- nity with Idolaters : as Iehoihaphat Afas fonne , Why lifted vphisheart Tinto the wages ofthe Lord, andCooke away the high mounraines and groaues out ofJudah. But yet Iehu is fent to reprooue him for his focietie with wicked Ahab, faying, wouldft thou helpe the wicked , and laue them that hate the Lard? A worthy commendationwas it of the Angel of the ChurchofEphefus,that he could not beare them which were euill,Reu. 2.2. 4. Confider the danger andhurt in tolerating heretic in there parti- culars. a. It is abreachof Gods comman.dement, Dent. 29. 18. There (hall not be among you , man, woman, norfamily ,nor tribe , which (hall turne his heart from the Lord, to goe ferue the gods of thefe nations: There (hail not bee among you any reate that bringeth forth gall and wormwood. 2. This mixture layeth open toGods reuenging hand, and is called by no leffe title then Rebellion, Iofh.a'.17. 3. There is moti apparant danger ofinfeétion;for heretic is called in the Scripture leasers, and a gangrene: and here alto confiderthe weakneffeoffiefh , which is as ready to be pluckedaway witheuery error oldie wicked,as themofi drie tinderis to rccelue the fparkleof fire cafi into it. Hence alfo"are I- dolaters called _Fumbling blockes;fnares, thanes , whippet, and deffruÉli- on : See Iofh.23. 13. 4. This mixture in religion threatneth ruine vnto Church and Commonwealth ; it hindreth or corrupteth publike inflict bypartiallity, or too rough andexafperate proceeding : it confetti di- fira9tion ofaffe5tions,andprepareth to tumults&maffacres , as the ex- perience ofmany ages hath taught. A kingdome or Church decideda- gainfi it felfe cannot (}and. Which leroboamwell conceluing that be might bring the people to vnity in religion, let vp two calues, one in Dan,and theother in Bethel. How both Iewes and Gentiles wickedly refilled Chrifi & his Apofiles,vpon this fameground that two diuerfe religionswere vnfafein one countrie , and long couldnot continue,but theone would care vp the other, the hifioryof theGofpel,and the AEts of the Apofiles euidently thew. From whom wemay frame agood ar- gument , that if they were fo vigilant to keep out whatfoeucr might difturbe their errour; how much more carefully fhould the truth be preferued in the purity ofit , ofall fuch as haue any care of the conti- nuanceof it? nay more, (hall the mention ofa tolerationof our religi- on inRomeor Spainebe capital(; and fhould we by conniuence at their knowue Idolatry, giue them as good as a toleration ; and fo firengthen their hopes for an alteration ? Thefe reafons ifI fhould now in particu- lar apply vntotheRomifhChurch for the further euidence of them , I know