Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpiflkofS. Podia Titus. CHAP.3. Io. know better where tobeginne then to makean end: and fhould dwell 717 toolong on the quetlion,which I purpofed rather topoint ar,then fully tohandle ; as more largely out of the Scriptures, Fathers, and councells f eatly might. But from them all as they lie, in one word may be con - cluded,that the toleration of Popery in a reformed country, where it maybecaa out,isvtterlyvnlawfull. The fecund que(Iion is, whether Proteaants may marrie with Pa- pias ? Asfw.For the right refoluingofthis queflion,two things mua be confidered.t.Whethertheperfon that now profeffechPopery,wil yeeld to be wonne to the embracing oftrue religion: which jibedo,then tea - feth fuch a one tobe a Papifl , and may be marled withall. Thus Ifaac married Rebecca the daughter of Bethuel : and Iacob the daughters of Laban,who was an Idolater as appeareth,Gen.31.53.Ou the famecon- dition Boaz married Ruth a Moabitiffe woman, who was firli conuer- ted to the Iewilh religion.And thus the Lordhimfelfe yeelded vnto the marriages with Heathnith women taken in warre , but heavily after a Deur,3ras. forr,and by indulgence,but on no hand vnleffe they would fira enter- taine the true religion , as by thofe many ceremonies enioyned might more fpecially appeare: and byIacob wemay fudgeof theother Pacri- arkes,who wouldnot giue Dinah to Hemors fonne,vnletl'e the wholefa- mily were eircumcifed. Secondly,it mua beconfidered,whether the party be an abfoluce Pa- pia, or onlyPopiihly affefled in force points;as namely,whether he or thee erre in Maineand fundamental! points of faith; or in leffe dange- rous opinions. If theparty prooue traélable and erre onely in fmaller points; as fuppofe Tome fuperllitious obferuations ofdaies,meates,foo- lithand rafh vowes,or fuch like,fuckt in by reafon ofcorrupt educatió; although I would with a man to make a better match for himfelfc,yet I cannot condernne iit asvtterlyvnlawfull , neither in this queflion corn- meth fuchaone vnder this commaunderncncof the Apoale. But if the partybe a limbeofthe Pope,drinking in with greedineffe thepoyfoned cuppe ofhis hern ies; and fuch a one as is turned of the foundation , by holding luflification by workes,freewil togood,Popifhtraditionsofe- APtotetFane marrie quail authority with Scripture,and fuel) like limb : here the precept holdeth. may o of rile AProteaant may not marriewith fuch a party:The reafons are thefe. Pope. Real I. The nature ofmarriage (muchmore thenoffriendfhip ) is a corn- P,imum amwis munion and fellowfhip indiuine and humanethings. Now what corn- vinculum cum munion canbe betweene truth and falfehood ? p`d°`aC1i1p ;Ulm in Deo Secondly, Gods example ,who in che beginning ioyned not two of copulate Cult. diuerfe religions: betides, the commandement is, not to beevsegttnllno- t ked: and,so marrie.alwaiesin the Lord, not againahim. And if a Cirri- 'eoe.e. (ban