Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Crsi r.3.1O. vt Commentarie vpon the 718 p,s.o4g,coniu ggiu.i. Qua.n male ! t. squalesVeni. une ad aratra iuv nus Est p.a. 3 4 Longum diuor, tiummandat pcur.ab idolo- lattia,in nullo prnx me agen dum.Tcrtul.de cormilit. Ne mbar femi na non luz re ligionis viro,vcl vir ralem ducat vxorem lubee dcus,doccr A poltolus vtrnn r;;przapic cc- Ranentum. AuguR.lib.t.sd Pollcuae.at. 7.Chr.ar.6. Nemodiu tutus pericolo proxi mus.Cypr hb.t. epift.. a. 5 Malac.r.t z. Esc 7. Qunmodo po- toff eonerucsa charitas (i diL ccrpit fi:lcs. Ambrof. 6 [ Dian maynot by bodily coniun&ien become the member of an harlot,' much letieofan idolater , whogoeth anwhoring from god after manylo- itert. Thirdly, marriage is called the cowman: of God, bothbecaufe he nta keth it hi heaucn, and watcherh how it is entred and carried by married perrons in the earth. Now how can he think his marriage to bemade by God , whobath a limbe ofSatan and Antichrifl laid by his fide? or ra- ther that himfclfe bath not wilfully profaned thename and coucnant of God: as Iudah did, by marrying the daughterof 'Orange god? Malac.2. II. Fourthly , there is certaine danger of fecluetion by fuch a partie, and therefore it is aprefumpruous temptingof God to match withSuch a one. And can there be a firongerreafon giuen then this, which is the Lords own for the fircngtheningof his owneprohibition ? Deut. 7.3. Thawfhalt not make mari.tges with them;for they willeaufe thy fonnes to turne awayfrommee: and the fame reafon is rendred in renewing the precept, Iofh.a,3.1 t.Plentifull is theScripture in examples to this purpofe ; Sa-. lomon to whom the Lord appearedmany times, fell by meanesof his outlandifhwines to idolatrie: andwho thinketh himfelfcwifer then he? Ioram at the inlligationof his wife forfooke the Lord; hehadthedaugh- ter ofAhab towife,andhedidvial in thefight ofthe Lord.But moll pregnant is that example of Ifrael,who marryingwithMoab, was prefendy ioy- ned to Baal Peor , and for this finne were Elaine in one day fowre and twenty thoufand,Num.z5.9.And let him that thinketh himfclfe to (land on the furell ground,confider whetherhis difpofition be not fuck, as flandeth in needeof fuck a companion,as may rather further him in pie- ty,thcnany way alienate him from the wayes ofGod. Fitly, ordinarily the Lord followeth fuck matches with vifible plagues: fometimes without the family,fometimes within: according to that threatningby his Prophet,that he will cut offmailer and feruaat that (hall dle this. Apublike execution hereof we fee in the flood, which for this finne drowned theolde world, Gen. 6.z. andEzra confeffeth with weeping, mourning, and renting his haire, that for this finne efpecially (Mallet- and feruant)We,our Kings, andourPriefh hauebeenedeliuered into the hands ofthe Kings ofthe lands,vnto thefirord, into captinity, into fpoile, and Into cenfu(ion offace.And within the family by Gods iuflice it often commeth to paffe,that the wiucs of Efau, the daughters of Heth, were not more greiuous to Iacob and Rebecca,then theperlons fo vnequally yoked are betweene themfelues. Sixtly,fuch perlons as thus contraa themfelues bewray, z.That they more regard other vaine things,as wealth, beauty, friends, then the leave