Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

BpífEleofs. PetalIs ritta. Her.3.Io. ¡ feareof God , andpraaifeofpiety; which onely bath the promife of profperitie. z.That they want that godly age/lion which delighteth in Pfac7 s9 the godly,and abhorreth the familiar conuerfe (and much more mariage Te ópdrraó. fociety ) with the wicked : and proclaime to all men ( howfoeuer they would feeme to be) what indeed they are. 3. That they are deflituteof 's;b,r godly zeale,which profeffethhatred to idolatersand idolatry:yea ofall 3 other moil hateth that finne,and theappearanceof it,as theLord him- felfe doth. 4.That they want wife coafideration, and due refpe& of themfelues,in not caring towhom they becomeone ; what a greife and burden is it to thinke, that the husband or wife is as yet thechildof the deuill?and that I ama memberofthis perfon, wilt) is not a member of Chrill? 5.The Church ofGod is littlebeholding vnto them, for bring- ing Man idolater among them,and fopolluting thebody of Chrifl, and blecnifhing thecongregation ofGod,among whom fucha thing ¡houid not once benamed , as becommeth the holy and vndefiled 1poufeof Clrrifl. 6.If that be true which our Church affirmeth,that vfudyfpirnu- ,all and carna lifornicnriangoc rogerber;let him blamehimfelfe,whofinding Homir.agair,2 vnfaithfulnes in the couenant ofmarriage, did not duly confider whe- p "icr °f;Juru. Y' Ya.: a. ther euer that party would be true to him, who playeth falle with God: or whether the faithfulueffe and loue of God fhould be the breeder and nurfe oftrue loue and fairhfulneffe to himfelfe. Obieft. But all this while you compare the Papil }s with the heathen or Cananites,betweene whom there is no companion. Anfw.TlrePo - pith idolatry is as groffe as euer was any : for they worthip the wodden croffe,and prices ofbread with religious worfhip :and why is Romecal- led Egypr,Sodome,Babyló,butbecaufe it is a fource intowhich al hea thenith idolatry runneth: and why is it called anhabitation ofdeuils? if any thing can be fpoken worfeof any hcathenithidolatrie,it fhal not be the wort+. z. Our danger is more from them , then any or all the hea- then. 3. The endes ofauoidiug them are the famewith any other here- tike,namely,to preuent infe&ion and fedudiion. Obiefb. But the Pa.. pill profeffeth the fame faith with vs. a 4nfw. In word he doth , but in 1 deed he renounceth thewhole foundation of religion,and this is amore reall denial'. Obit L. But fo doe many hypocriticall Proteflants, and yet you darenot fay but we maymatch with them. Anfw.Kany there arewho (as we haueheard) profeffe they know God,but in their deeds deny hint,but this is not that which is in our clue {üó;which is ofdiner- fitie in religion,& not ofinfidelitie or hypocrifie where the fame relig i- on is profeffed : the former is a barre of marriage , but not the latter. ObieEt.But then youwill fay,that fuch marriages made,oughc to be dif_ folued. I anfwer,i.that marriage is an external'thing,and properlyhits.- detach