Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHA1<- T--- 3.H I Cortrsrte,utarée vpon the 7Bn dcreth not faith andfaluation of it felfe:and z.that it is not again(} chri- (hanity to keepe contraeis made with Turks and heathen. 3. Be(des in the Apoilles daycs,the faithful} beeing married to an inf,dei,he was not co pot her away r.Cor.7. t x. iffile would abide with him. But, as Mr. Zanchius after he had learnedly difcuffed this queftion,and propounded reafons out of the Scriptures, Fathers, Counsels , and ciuill lave , that fuch marriages ought to be difanulled, yet doubtfully leaueth it to the lodgement oftheChurch:fo will not I be too bold in defining chis great quefiion. Verf. t r . knowing that Ire that isfuch , ii perxerted, andfinnethhoeing damned of hit owne(elfe. Hauing in the former verfe, (hewed both the perlons to be procee- ded againfi, (called heretikes ) and the manner of proceeding againd them; namely, after onceor twice admonition to auoid them ; Now in this verfe our Apofilc defcendeth to giue force reafons of this feuerity; which arc two in number. Firg,he is fuch a one as is fubuerced and tur- ned offthe foundation. Secondly, he wittingly and willingly , fpurneth againfl the knowne truth, 1parls log, and (hitting in his confcience, and therefore is remedileßè anddetperately incurable. s.Tim.s.tp, For the former. By beeing peruerted,or turned off the foundation, is not to be meant any fallinÿoff from the foundation of Gods elation, which abidethfo litre, as that not any one ofGods eleót (hall euer fall a- Tobeprruer. way, asHymencus and Philetus did : but a falling off from Tome fun- tsd,vhac sr is. damentalipoints of Chrifiian religion, held and maintained by the Church, whereof this partyyet feemeth a member. As for example: The maine foundation aymed at in the writings of theProphets and A- pof lesis,toteach; that IefusChrifi , God and man ,is the alone and perfcéì Sauiour of his Church : and whofoeuer teacheth or holdech a- ny doóirine tending to ouerchrowe, either of his natures, or any of his offices; fee is truely laid to be turnad off that foundation. A- gaine, the maine grounds ofall our religion , for matter either offaith or manners, are the commaundements of the law and promifes of the Gofpel : and whofoeuer either dire&tly, or by direót confequent ouer- throweth any of the commandements ofGod , or articles of our faith, he is truly raid to be turned off the foundation. Now this cannot euery error in religion doe. For (to keepe our Apofiles allcgoric,comparing the profetlionofecligion to the buildingolagreat houfe) fomeerrors are leffer,and as it were betides the foundation; fuchas may be thought as thebreaking downe of forcewindow; force greater,as the breaking dowse of force fide ofthe houfe,and yet the houle fiandeth, although rauch defaced. But force are fuch as ouerturne the whole houle, and rafe Aidictnm coo ccckfis.