Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpileofS. Pan!to Titra. Crrer.3.t t. rafethe very foundations of all : fuch as is the dottrine of iufiification by workes , which point aloneputteth menquiteout of their efface in Chrilì ; and fhutteth them out of the kingdome of heauen. Gal. 5.2. 4. Whence might be obferued, how needful! a thing it is for euery one tobewel grounded in points ofCatechifine,which is a thingmoti dan- geroufly neglected by the moll:and beeing fo grou2ded,to lookwell to themfelues , leafl theybe turned off from them , and fo depart from the holy commandements: for thus the end offuch would be far work then the beginning. But we will come to the latter degreeofthis frnne. Flee fnnerh,beeing damned of himfelfe,that is, he wilfully finneth or added) fin to (inne: not only by maintaining an errour , but r. againfl the light of the word fhining in his confcience. a.againfi the wholefome admoniti- on ofhis faithful! pallor , yea and of the whole Church , the voice of which he will not heare. 3.euem againft (betides other conuiciions)that of his owne confcience ; whereby he is refolucd to take part with the wickednes ofhis heart,and perfitl anheretike inhis hcrefie. This man if he had no otheriudgc,is iudged and condemned ofhinifelfe , and fhew- eth that he is damnedofhimfel(e. Obied. But there is no man fo rnontirous and grâcelelhe, that will perfifl in error againff the light of his confcience. Anfiv. Yes;and this commeth partly by the natural! impuritieofconfcience ; which can ex- carnot only intentionsvnwarrantable, but turn frnnes committed a- gainfi the law. As in theyoung man, Mar.!o.zo. who boafied that he ( though hehad hued in the breachof all) had 'kept all thecommande- ments fromhis youth : and a. partly by the increafc of that corruption through a fenceleffe numbedneffe, andvnfeclingnes , which fpringeth from a cuflome of finne: and 3.efpecially by the Mil judgement ofGod, who flriketh them witha reprobate fence; bywithdrawing euen theve- ry light ofnature from thofe who would faint put it óut,ordeteine it in vnrighteoufneffe : and by deliuering them vp to flrong delufrons, ;hat they might beleeue lies , who would nor''embrace the truth in the loueof ir. Now he that is fuch a wilful! offender , and lciaowne fo tobe, muff be avoided. But it is hard(wil Tome fay)zo know any man thus to finne. duff. Becaufe we fpeake not nowofthe iudgementofcertainty,wbich is proper to God , whereby he alone can fudgeof the (mall ellate of a man, but onlyofthe ludgemenrof humane wifedome, which is given to the Church, who iudgeth only for the prefent by the prefent fruits,it is not fohard to doe : for fucha man bath beene brought to conference, to the tryall oftheScriptures, tathe analogie offaith, and tothe admo- nitionache Church : by whichhis reafons haue bin refelled;his iudge- ment 72 Quia orne fa 'IliIll indicium f remis & n o. niciones teck. fia: rccufar.C pr cp R lib r.;. ide. Fuig.d: < hrift facrifia ad lion flow a man be- comes fn grace- Ls and ll,alna tare. Tit.1as, itom.°;a4. n,.Thcrt.a.1s. -11