Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP.3.I E e cí4Cammentarie vpon the 72 ment informed, his cot:fcienceconuinced, himfelfe forewarned of his danger;buc heobfinatcly bath rcfufed all thefe good meanes, andper- tfteth in his error.Where note, The torsi vfeth r, What patience the Lord vfeth in his iuP proceedings,euenagainfi great patience eue to the thewort men, whom he will not hauecondemned , nor catsout of the We*n t Church upon fufpicions,orfurmifes; no nor prefently after an open I (inne is committed : but their mull be a time betweene , wherein the Churchmull rightly informeher felfe,that Themay know the nature, & degreeof the finne,before (he turneher toany cenfure or fentence.Yea and further,the finne beeing apparent , The mui not reie61 any, till all goodmeanes of reclaiming haue been in vaine vied. Which may teach vs , that to heape or ha(len excommunications tpfofade ; or (as is is of- So molt his ten) before the party can come to the knowledge or fufpition of any children. filch proceeding, is to fwarue from the rulesof the word, and chofe weighty reafons alfa vpon which they are grounded. As namely , r. Tome offenders are curable : and what man inhis wits will cut off his armeor legge fo Toone as it beginneth to ake and paine him,and not ra- ther viemeanes of furgerie and cure? is any member in the body fo de- fpifed ? 2.Our felues muff not be fo vncharitable,as prefently todifpaire ofany mansconuerfion : God may in time ralle themoil dcfperate (in- nerveto repentance. 3. The meanes viedarc not lo(t:for if is attaine no í other end,yet italicmake them more inexcufable;the cenfuresnore inn, and the Churches proceeding more equall andmoderate. 4.Adde here- 4 unto the Lordsexamp le,whoneuer(lriketh before lie haue fufficiently warned:he neuer precipitateth either fentence or execution , but firft commeth downe to fee,Gen.i 8.z r.and heatkneth andheareth, Mal.3. t 6.and accordingly paffeth fentence. Open and ob. S. Note,that when a (inner is knowne to finneofobftinacie,the bei ftinate inners way is toauoid him, and cafi himout. For, e.labour is but loft on filch Tuft be auoi . dedRcafons. a one, a. He Both but tread holy thingsvnder his feece ; ofwhich ho- ly things the Church is the keeper,and muli be faithful). 3. He hunes 2 nor o.?iyofindgement and reafon, but of affe&tion: and this is the. 3 reafon, why very few heretikes are conuersed,when many vnregencrate men and outragioufly wicked in other kinds are; who finne not of 4 affe6tionand wilfulne(fe,but of corrupt indgement onely. 4. The Lordsexample : Hofe.4.r7.Ephrairn is ioyned to Idols , Let him alone, he is incurable. Obieit. But if he be chus left veto himfelfe, amnot I acceffary to his condemnation ; or might not I by Rill followinghim, be a incanes of his conuerfion at length : and ought not I to waitehill when God will glue repentance. eAnfw. No , be fo finneth as the text faith , himfelfe condemned, himfelfe; and his hone is vpon his owne head,