Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpiNe ofs. Pod to Tittw. C,NAP.3.I I. head, whowilfully and laborioully detiroyeth himfelfe. a. As the oreli- 733 nances of God are deare vnto himfelfe , fo ought they to be alto vnto vs, fo as we maynot expofe them to the contempt ofa (corner. 3. Thou haft not left him till hee beapparantly defperate, no otherwife then a Phytitian hacb left a defperatepatient; whole difeale is not worfe then his froward difpofitión in refuting all meanerof health and fafetie..f. Euen the neglectofhim may (bybringing him to enter into himfelfe) prooue a nearer way ofwinning him, then any familiar coutfeor con- uerfe withhim. Note hence alfo what vfe the Lord makethof a wicked fci- TheLord me. ;' conkerb good nfe ence, euen in defperate (inners. It (hall be the acculer, witneffe, and oon iudge to pronounce the lenience of death againft his owne foule ; and W1ckedconki $ P b onto fehem fo (hall make way vnto the Lords molt righteous judgement. Iudas himfelfe beeing furchargedwith confcienceof his (inne, read the fen- tence againft himfelfe (there beeing no other todoe it) Paying, I hams Macrb.a',p fiend in betraying innocent blood: and then went and hanged himfelfe. For this purpole the Lordbath put into thefoule not only aknowledge, whereby naturally euen the wicked can difcerne between that which is honeft, and difhoneft ; yeabetweene good and culli fo farte as to make them excufeles;buc alto an applicationofthat knowledge unto the fine- tall aéìions of life. From whichtwo ',true twoother faculties,which are the vergenatureof confcience : r. A tefi&cation that luch an action is "&sofeenfoi. enoee done or not done, yea although aman would not haue it fo to teflifie. 2. A judgement after trial(, whether it be well done or no : the fruites of which iudgement are either ioy, peace, and glorying in things which the eonfcience faith are well done : or elfe horror in foule, as in Caine: Geif trembling in bodie, as inFelix :fearefull dreames andvifons, as in Bal- A&3 . :s. tazer: or defpaire, as in Iudas in the fence of (inne committed. To this D'Us* agreeth that of Salomon, Pron. 20.a7. The light ofthe Lardis theffiiritof man, andfearcheth all the bowels ofthe bellie : in which words mans con fci- ence is compared to the Lords lanthorne, that difcouererh things to a mans felfe,which are as fecret ashis ownebowels. This obferuation af- foardech vs fuudry fpeciallvies. As, Vfe. i. It lettethvs feewhat an intolerable torment a wicked con- fcience is, euen agibber,anda rack let vpwithin the wicked tovexe and torment themwithal!: and as a fearefull hue and crie euery where ouer- taking them ; that let them runne or ride where they will, theyfol- low chemfelues with awrit ofapprehen(ion; which draggeth themwill theyHill they, before the face ofthe iudge.Ño fooner was Adam fallen, but his eonfcience heard the voiceof God ringing through Paradife; which madehimflip fromGod, andhidehimfelfe. No former had Cain Zz t (Line