Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CaAp.3.1x. 724 Aa24a5. Hob to.». A&a3.aand 24.16. Good confai. ance is a fwcece companion. z 1.Tim.1JD. v1Corurmentarie vponthe flaine Abel , but thevoice of the blood filled heauen and earth , and madehis countenance fall. No fooner did Paul difputeof iuftice, tem- perance, and iudgernent to come, but Felix trembled. And whence is that fearefull looking for ofiudgement, andviolent fire,which(hall de. uoure the aduerfarie;but from the worke ofconfcience,fitcing the wic- ked for the judgement ofthe great day ? What meruaile is it then, ifthe wicked would faine flifleand choake the noireof their confcience ? but that theycannot Will doe it. Which beeing fo, let euery one feare to fin againf the light ofhis confcience, and not dare to venturevpon,or folder the Intl finne: for howfoeuer wee may for the prefent thinke force fumes light and little, ifthe Lordneuer fo little touch the confci- ence(as the time commeth apace whenbe will awaken it) we (Ball feele euery finne (euen the fmalletl) to lie as heauyas a mountaine vpon our foules: little dowe think that that finnewhich nowwe account as light as a feather, fhould prooue fo heauy vpon our fhoulders, as that our hearts (hall not be able tofuflaine vs from oppreffionvnder it. And fur- ther, howfoeuermenmay thinke to carrie their finne fodole, as the eye of the kite cannot pry into it; yet know woofoeuer thou art,that thy confcience is Gods booke,take heed what thouwritef in that booke: for it carriech a light in it felfe whereby it (hall be read and difcoue- ted. Yfe. a. This further teacheth vs not tonegie6 the checks of confci- coca,nor our owne hearts reproouing vsof our wayes; as chofe men who are refolued to hold on their lewde courfes,let the word and fpirit, yea, their owne fpirits fuggef what they will or can againf ir. For the time commeth when thou cant} not let the voice°f illy confcience fo light, & then that confcience whichhath checks thee (hall fudge thee, & that heart which bath reprooued thee,fhall torment thee,and thou (halt neuer be able to turne off thecharge ofit,but (haltby it be accufed and conui6'ced tohaue been awilfull choofer of thine owne def}rub}ion.This is that which is fecretly implyed in the text, that if thefe heretikes had finnedbut to the checksoftheir owne confcience,theyhad neuer tonne on fo faareinto fuch an incurablecondition. ¡'fe. 3. This confideration alto teacheth vs to looke that in euery thing we keepegood confciences before God and all men : the vfeof which will be manifold. t.Tokeepe vs from errors and herches, and containvs in the profelionofthe true faith: forlet good confciencebe put away, theremuff needes followalkipwrackeoffaith: as is to be feene in all heretikes. Henceare we counfelled tomake pure confcienceas the coffer tokeepe faith in, r.Tim.;.9. 'Crepefaith inpure confcience :neither indeed will it bekept without :For by the iuf judgementof Godpuni- thing_