Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpifileofS. Pantie Tilas. thing finne with finne; it comes to paffe, that corruptionof iudgement andprafkife, of dostrioeand manners goe hand in hand, and for moll part vndiuorfed. 2. In doing any aétionlawful in it felfe,a goodconfci- ence onely maketh it good to thedoer: for to doe euen the will of God again(} my confcience is finne to me; be the faille in it (elfe neuer fo ma- teriallygood. 3. In fuffering or enduring any thing for well doing (as not the paine,but thecaufe maketh amartyr,fo)not thecaufe fomuch as the confcienceofthe fufferer worketh out his boldneffe,and peace ih the middefl ofthe combat, and giuerh him fecuritie in his conflict; whereas abad confciencewill betray the bell caufe. 4.In inlaying anycondition of this prefent life,a good confcience is a fweec companion : euen a Brie morfcllwith peace ofheart, is better then anhoufe full of facrifices with firife andwarrewithin.In outwardafflictions there is inward reioycing, for let the heart bepacified in God, it can reioyce in tribulation. The di- fciplescan goe away reioycing from the Councel, that theywere coun- ted worthy tobebeaten,& fuffer rebuke for Chri(f,Aá.5.4t. The Mar- tyrs can kilfe the fiake,embrace the fire,& fing in the midfl ofthe flames. S. Yea,ic doth not onely through the whole life minifler ioy and com- forteuen in the remembranceofdeath,as 2. Tim.4.7.8.but it followeth a man after death, when all things els forfake hitn;andas amofi faithful) friend it goeth withhim beforeGods iudgement feat, and pleadeth for himat the barre of Iefus Chrifi: yea tellifieth withhim,andcleareth,and quiteacquitteth him from the iudgement of the great day. All which beeingfo, whatpaines and labour canbe thought toomuch, in the get- ting&keeping offuch a iewel, which bringech in fo rich a recompence, for fo little labour?&how worthilydoth heforfeit all thefe fweet fruits ofir, who will beat no colis nor painesfor it? Verf. a2. When fendArtem#uvnto thee, orTychicut, beedili. gent toconesvinomeeto 2'Qcopolia : for I haste determined there to winter, Our Apofllehauingfinifhed all fuch common precepts as refpeéled the whole Church inCreta, he now paffeth to force private bufineffe, which more fpecially refpedted the perfon ofTitus,and commended to his praétife: and it flandethoftwobranches: the former touching Titus his commingto Paul, in this a a.verf. the latter touching the louing in- certainement whichhe fhould fhewe towards Zenas and Apollos, in the next verfe. Concerning Titus hisTourney toPaul, he is dire6ted both for the time, whenIfhallfendArtemis vats thee, or Tjchicus : as alto for theplace where, toiVicopolis: with a reafon rendred why hemull come thither, becaufe Paul had adetermination there towinter. Firti,Titus is enioyned to come to Paul,whoas hehad power toplace Z 2 or CHAP. 3.11. x An euill con. fcienee the mother ofhe. refits, a 3 S