Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Csi,e.3.12 726 It is dangerous for ehe Chur. ehes tobe left deftiotteof theirteaehers though fora ihost time. e4Commexsarie von the or difplace himat his pleafure, fo hewanted not fufficient reafon at this time tocall himvnto him. t. that he might vift Paul, whole affe&ion longed to feehim, and to be refrefhed by him. z. thathe might further inttru&him in the doétrineof faith, and the difcipline of the Church. ;. that he might elfewhere fend him to preach, and confirme force other Church planted by the Apeale. 2. As for the place2Qcopolie, whetherTitus muff come: we reade of three cities called by this name;but this was in Thraciaveer Macedonia: and the reafon added is not needleflyaffixed to theApoiules iniunélion, but to encourage Titus vnto fo long a iourny; forels he might conceiue with himfelfe,that the Apoftles calling being to goefrom place toplace toplant Churches; hemight happily miffe ofhim there, and fo loofe his tourney: therefore Paul tellech him, that if God let bis purpofe Band, he (hall be lure to finde him there; teeinghe hashdetermined there to win- ter. And fromboth the precept and reafon it is plain,that Paul wasnot now at Nicopolis, norwrit this Epistle chere,norPent it thence(howfo- uer the fubfcription of the Epiile boldly, but heedlefly affirmech it) for then he would haue Paid, Be diligent tocome tomehither; and I haue determined here to winter: and not; came to Nicopolis, for I haue determined there towinter: the miflakingof thisaduerb in the text was thecaufe ofthe erroneous fubfcription added by the (cribe who copied out the Epitile: the like whereof in fundry other Epistles is confeffed both by Proteflants and the Papists themfelues. ;. But when mutt Tim come:not beforee/frtensae or Tychicus were Pent fromTaut, to fupplyhis place inCreta. OfAnemia we read not fo much as ofTychicue, who accompanied Paul into Afia , A&. so. q. and by whome the Apostle tent his Epistles to the Ephefians, 6. a r. and to the Colof ians, 4.8. in bothwhich he is called a 6rIsued 6rotber,4froth- tilfiltifitr,andfelloweferuant imthe Lord: and euery where verse re- fpe&iuely fpeken of. But yet feeing hee is here mentioned before Tychicus,and fetapart for the workeand feruice of the Church by-the Apoftlehimfelfe, it iscertaine he wasa faithfuls and fufficient man : for elfe wouldnot the Apoftic haue committeda matter of fuch cruft and charge vnto him. Dollr. Out ofthis prouident careof theApoftle for the Church we learne, thatit is verydangerous andhurtful' to the Church, to be left dettituteof their Ministers and teachers,although fora very (mall time. Paul had an earneft delre to feeTitus;andas is likely force other fpecial workemore commodious for the Church to employ him in elfewhere: andyet hemutt not come til anArcemas or Tychicus come in his roome to takecharge of his people: he faith not, Come thou tòrne, and I will !hors.