Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpifileofS. PaultoTitus. CM P.3.13. i}tortly fend Arternas or Tychicus; but comenot till I fend them. Well 727 knewe the Apoflie, t. the weakeneffeof faith without continual! fup- Reatoas. port; and that ifthere be not wateringas well asplanting,whatfoener is bell begunne will eafily decay, and beeing once decayed is hardly re- couered. a. the fubtiltie ofSatan, together with hismalice, who vncef- 2 Candy feeketh reentry;who ifheCannot hinder the gathringofthe faints, he wit dowhat he can tohinder their building vp;that fo theLord may come fhort ofa great part of his glorie , and his people cut fhort of a great part of their comfort. 3.how naked people liewithout vifion to 3 all errors and dangers, and how eafily the fheepeare fcatteted,when the Pallor is (mitten or remooued. I/fe. t. This dohìxine efpecially direCIethit felfe againfl that fearefull (inneofnonrefidencie,or ordinarieabfence of thePaflor fromhis peo- pie.Againfl which not onely this example,but other reafons drawneout ofthe Scripture are verse expreffe. As, t. theauthoritieof Gods corn- Arguments a. mandement, AEl.ao.a8. binding all Paflors carefully to attend veto the náa on-refs fiockesof which theholy Gho ./ihathmade themouerfeers: and this not at the = quarter or halle yeare day to gather in the profits , and to feede them- felues, but tofeede the flocke, the Churchof God which Chrifl bathpurcha- fedwith hù blood. I would know whether this precept requireth the per- fonall prefenceofthe Pallor or no : Ifany man fay, that he is as good as prefent in his fuflicient fubflicare:I anfwer, that themoll doe nor pro- uide fo fufficiently, but Come rakefhatne ofmen, forceIeroboams Priell ofthe bafefl of the people, that cannot tell otherwife what todoewith himfelfe. But if they did; the text is not fatisfied , which requireth his owne attendance, neither inioynetha Pallor to fee his people fed , but to feede them. I would further here demaund whether that commande- ment giuen to Archippus belong not toall the Paflorsofthe newTefia- ment, Takeheed to theminiflerie that thouhall receiued inthe Lord,that thou Co1f1 fulfill it: which if it doe (as no forehead can denie it) then withwhat face can any man take a miniflerie vponhim that an other may fulfill it ? The like commandementis giuen by Salomon, Bediligent to k-nowe theflate of Proua7.:5. thy flocke, andtake heed to thy herds: which not obfcurely irnplyeth the prefence ofthe Pallor, who mull notonely teach, but teach aptly, and apply not onely true, but fit doélrine according CO the (late and condi- tionofhis people. 2. Theexce llencieoftheobie6ltieththe Pallor to more then ordì- t narieattendance: his calling is towatch ouer mensfoules: were it but to neb t; watch ouer mens bodies or goods, it were no1e8ò then capital, for any man to kaue his Elation at his owne pleafurewherein his captaine hash let him: and how then can this vnfaichfulneffe in themwho are let in the Z 1 3 Lords