Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP. 3.rx. t 4Commei arie upon the yag Lords watch towers, but be by (o much the more perillous then the o- - ther, by how much the foule is more precious then thebodie, and the Joffe of the foule infinitely furpsffing the loge of the bodie ? a. The firaitnes of the account that is tobe made for thepeople,can- 3 not but binde him that hath anyconfcience left in him toordinarie refi- dence and attendance in his owne perfon. Hence theAponte to theHe- brews faith, they watch ouer mens foules as they that mutt giae account. 1.Pca3.4. And the ApofflePeter wifheth them fo to feed the flockedepending vp- on them, that when the cheife fheepheard (hall appcare, they may giue vp their accounts with ioy. Nowwithwhat ioy can he gluevp his accounts, who with thehire- ling bath left his people to thewolfe : who neuer knew their eílate,who neuer came but as a Rranger among them: neuer or fieldome knowne by voice vnco them : yea fcarce knowne by face to manyof them : That which willdie, let it die, Z achar. t 1.9. he is none ofhisbrother, heeper.Sl en- xegiigentcr der is that account which that Capcaine can maketo hisPrince,whoha- p,fcen,eonum - uing received his pate to gold: and traine fuch a number of Souldiers, ütur non ama- re funnyurn pe- leauech them in the plaine field cache fpoileandviolence of theencalk: aorem 1'f' or at thebell, fettech abate fellowouer them, fitter toguidecattell then cpß.s. to traine men vp co loch feruices; fuch another account mull needs here begiuen vp, but neither of themwill goe for payment. 4 4. The loueofChriffwere it prefenc, would confi sine men to feede ink as.,5. fheepe: Peter, faith Chrift, loueJi thoume?feedemy fheepe. Were there A non-refident isdeRirute or lose to the fiocke, it would not fuffer them to runne into ruinés , nor to many Caving fall away from their zeale, faith, verrue: neither fhould the Pail-ors ab. graces t. fence open the doore to woluesand deceiuers,toPriells and Iefuis,who a in fuch places haue free (cope topoyfon anddcfiroy. Were faithprefcnt to rule the heart , it would extinguifh thedrought of the world, and would beworking by loue towardsCbrifi, and hispeople; accounting 3 obedience to God aboue thoufands ofgold and liluer. If truecontent's- Ctericusne riwtwerethere fuch an appearance euillwouldbeauoidedascouetouf- eonnumcrerur ? in duabusec- nelfe is, which is a filthyvice wherefoeuer, but efpecially in a Minifler, elefü,tneg°tia- who is as the eye in thebodie, wherein fuch ablewidh or rather fuch a lions emmboc ca,& turpistu- beame is notmore perfpicuous then fcandalous : and yet is themote, as c,i proprium,, of alleuill a foof this ordinarie nonrefidencie. I.f truehumilitie werepre- & ab =Idle- Rica contuetu. Pent, it would not fuller the impoflume ofpride to growe upon a lienunuSynod, man by multiplying of linings:- whichexperience tcacheth,.to be like a 7.cap.s5. colleclion of many bad humors into one trrember, which make it to 4 Ewell aboue the iuft proportionof theother members, If fidelitie tooke S place, he wouldbediligent to till the Lords field as.he bath promifed :. he would as a faithful Rewardbeprouiding neceffaries(not for his own), but