Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

S.Paid to Titus. I but for Gods family: as a goodphyfitian, he would be miniflring to the ficke and difeafed foules,he would be binding vp thebroken fpirits, he would be feekingand fauing that which is lofl,yea he would goe before the (lreepe of Chrifl and lead them inandout ; for all this he bath pro- mifed beforeGod and his people,and vndertaken it inhis owne perfon. Ifequirie and iuflice ruled him, he couldnot ft:ffer the people who fow earnail things vnto him, not to reape fpirituall from him ; he could not take fomuch wages of God,anddoe him fo littleworke for it ; he could not receiue his pay, and file from the battaile : he could not fo greedily eat the milke of the flocke,'and giue them little or no food : he could not fowrongfully keepe backe the hire ofthe labourers, who reape the Lords fcilds; neither could he liue ofthat altar which he doth not ferue, t.Cor.9.13. Laflly , if right reefers ruled him, bee would eerily dif- cerne what an vnnaturall and monflrous thing it were, that either fun- drie bodies and congregations fhould haue but one cie, or elfe that this eye (hould be ordinarily and for moll part many miles diflant from the bodie. Right reafon would alto (hew himhow impoflibk a thing it is, Ifor one lhepheard to kecpe more flecks then one : how vnreafonable a thing it is, for any man toperfortBe feruice in one place, and take wages ! inanother. What a fhamefull thing it were, tomarrie a wife in hope to 1, beget children by an other mans helpe ; what an equall thiugit is, that he who Bothnot his duty in his own perfon,but by a deputie,(hould al- , fo go to heauen by a deputie,but not in his owne perfon;as meri ly and wittily, ledocas a famous Frenchpreacher, witneffed by Efpencem.From all which I mayconclude this reafon with the words of a Papifl, that feeing neither nature is the principle or ground of nonrefidencie : for that is contented with a little; nor yet grace, which is contented with leffe; therefore the corruption of the heart ofman is the cheife counfel- 1er andperfwader vnto it. Neither is his reafon tobe neglee ìed : for though a man (faithhe) dare Hue a nonrefident,yet would bee not wil- lingly die one. And as for the matter offubflitutionwhereon the whole frameofnonrefrdencìeisfec, as on a foundation ; bee faith, bee feeth not why one man might not haue as well an hundreth linings as one by this plea:for he might get fubfiitutes enough : neither doth he fee any reafonbut womé might allo be capableofChurch liuings(by this plea) as well as men , for they alto might performe the nuties by ffbflt- tutes. But I remit the Reader to the author, as all() to other of our later Diuines, who haue largely and learnedly handled the fame argu- ment. y. We may adde hereunto theexample of the Priefls under the lasve, who were fixed in their courfes necre the Temple,and had their cham- Z z 4 bers CHAP.3.22. 729 6 r.Cordo.at., Pattoris nomen ógniêcat per- tonalemadio. nem (km no. men medici. Maldonar. cx Hier &Auguri. Peratd.i(.tom. crafkq.inatm. part.a.cau. D. Willer in I. sam.cap.t4.a8. 5